Shut up

- My Pov -

After observing Genos, who effortlessly eradicated the swarm of mosquitoes, and Saitama's arrival at this location with the same storyline and ridiculous behavior, I breathed a sigh of relief.

Even though their initial exchange goes a little differently than it should have, the two of them have, for the most part, been successful in following the storyline they were supposed to have followed.

I have no doubt that Genos will retain his reverence for Saitama, and I have no doubt that he will seek Saitama out once more out of simple curiosity.

When I looked over and saw Saitama walking away from Genos, I remarked in a satisfied tone and with the tiniest of grins on my face, "I believe that sums up everything for today."

After that, I also left this location, and in a sudden burst of white light, my body, still dressed in its combat suit, vanished from the top of the building.

Since Genos's cyborg technology is not nearly as advanced as the battle suit I'm wearing, he won't even be able to detect my presence on his radar. Because of this, I don't find myself overly concerned about whether or not he will notice that I am watching him.

It's a different story when it comes to Saitama because I'm certain he can and might already be aware of my existence, but due to the nature of his character, he won't care and will probably think of me as some kind of weirdo or something.


Many animals can be seen drinking clean water from the edge of the vast lake that can be found in the sea of shady forests that is located between city Z and city Y. The scenery also includes many different kinds of exotic plants growing thickly around the lake.

Occasionally, there will be swarms of mosquitoes in small numbers back and forth circling in the forest, and they will then stop on the edge of the lake for a moment. More precisely, they will stop for a moment to approach the figure sitting on the edge of the lake.

Although the figure appears to be a human, it is not one in reality. This is because the figure possesses several body parts that humans do not have.

For example, the hands and feet of the figure resemble an insect. Beyond her long hair and a distinctly human face, her head resembles a mosquito's, including a second pair of compound eyes, two sets of antennae, and a shortened proboscis. Despite having a lower humanoid body, she still carried a banded abdomen from the small of her back.


"You seem to have made a full recovery."

I, who suddenly appeared out of nowhere, made a sound, and the Mosquito Girl, who was unwinding by the lake, shrieked in surprise, which caused her body to jump slightly, "ahhh..."

"You startled me..."

Mosquito Girl looked back at me with an uneasy expression, but she simply took a deep breath and didn't say anything, so I didn't say anything either and sat next to her while still wearing my battle suit.

It is clear to me now that the insect-like hooks on both Mosquito Girl's hands have completely healed, and it appears that she has an even larger army of mosquitoes than she did before.

Nevertheless, even though I was leaving Mosquito Girl here alone earlier, she did not attempt to flee the area running away.

"I didn't think you could be such a good girl," I spoke to her in a soft voice as I rubbed her head and ignored the reaction of the Mosquito Girl, who was staring at me with cold eyes at the time.

Mosquito Girl snorted and attempted to divert her attention in another direction, asking, "Hmm... what do you care?"

"Then let's go," after saying that, I then got ready to stand up, but Mosquito Girl, who was next to me, just looked at me with a confused look.

"where to?"

"My place," I said with a mild smile on my face, but despite this, my eyes appeared icy when I looked at the Mosquito Girl, which caused her to start shaking right away.

"Too bad, you won't be able to get the better of me this time," After that, Mosquito Girl took off over the lake, and while she was laughing loudly and looking completely insane, she continued to say, "Hahahahaha... look, how am I going to suck your blood now."

Soon after that, swarms of mosquitoes flew in from all sides of the forest and converged in the center of the lake. To be more specific, they all flew in the direction of Mosquito Girl.

"hufff..." When I saw how the Mosquito Girl, who appeared to still harbor hope of getting her revenge on me, was behaving, I couldn't help but let out a sigh while simultaneously shaking my head.

'I'm not going to stand by and watch Mosquito Girl transform, which will be a waste of my time,' I said to myself.

Because to tell you the truth, I don't understand why characters in anime and manga wait for each other to gain power. This makes the problem more drawn out and complicated, which in turn makes me bored to see it.

Despite the fact that the issues that should have been resolved relatively quickly were instead allowed to fester for a longer period of time due to various ridiculous and self-serving reasons.

"Although I also want to see Mosquito Girl transform into a more erotic form, I think I can enjoy it later when I get home to my heart's content."

After that, I used my battle suit, which has an unreasonable amount of speed, and with a slight gust of wind coming from behind me, I was already inside this swarm of mosquitoes, and in front of me was a Mosquito Girl who had a confused and aggravated expression on her face.

"You lowly human..."

"How can you be this strong..."

"I can't accept..."

"die you... die... hahahahahahahaha... die...."

Mosquito Girl appears to have lost her mind and can only scream while desperately swinging her insect arms and legs at me. Even the swarms of mosquitoes there tried to attack me, but they couldn't get closer than one meter from me.

"shut up."