I hope Kaiser isn't mad at me

- Mizuki Pov -

"What a strange man," I muttered something under my breath as I looked at Kaiser as he walked away, blending in and eventually disappearing into the crowd.

After I had made sure that Kaiser was really gone, the next thing I did was take a deep breath and start leaning back on the bench while trying to calm my beating heart.

I don't know what caused it, but the longer I spent time with the young man whose name was Kaiser, the more my heart felt like it was going to explode, which caused me to feel as though I was going to suffocate.

"What's wrong with that person," I said in a confused tone. Whenever I thought about the incident before, my face immediately became hot, and my mind became completely blank.

"huhhh," I couldn't help but let out a sigh as I looked up at the blue sky that was clear and not overly sunny, and then I recalled what had taken place earlier with Kaiser.

At first, Kaiser was just a new acquaintance I met a few hours ago. However, because he is such a nice and kind person, the two of us became close very quickly.

The primary reason was, of course, that I was awestruck by his power, which in turn, piqued my interest in learning more about him.

I learned that Kaiser wasn't a Hero directly from his mouth, and the fact that he also explained why he wasn't a Hero only increased my respect for him as a person.

Following that, we started discussing various subjects connected to the hero while sipping the cold beverages we had purchased from the vending machine.

"Although the sour yogurt I bought is giving me a little bit of a headache, hahahahaha..." When I thought back to what had happened earlier, I burst out laughing, and even when people walking by noticed that I was oddly laughing to myself, it didn't bother me one bit.

Once in a while, Kaiser would compliment me, which made me at a loss for words. I even tried hard to hide my blushing face from him.

Until finally, we got around to talking about our various interests, and I, being someone who is very into training my body, tried to offer Kaiser advice on living a healthy lifestyle as well as instructing him on the proper way to perform a warm-up movement.

When I talk about this topic with my Hero friends, they all look uninspired, and some of them are even openly trying to prevent me from talking about it. Therefore, when I see Kaiser, who is excited about the topic, it makes me very happy.

To cut a long story short, I began instructing him in the fundamental exercises that I normally do until, for some reason, Kaiser started acting a little weird.

"ahhh, I'm so embarrassed when I think about it..." I screamed while covering my face, but after making sure one more time that Kaiser had gone and that I was truly by myself, I started to let out a sigh of relief.

When I was doing squats earlier, Kaiser suddenly did something weird. I'm not sure what he was doing, but somehow my heart started beating quickly, and even my body started to feel really hot.

I tried to ignore it, but I could feel Kaiser's warm breath blowing on my nape as he started to stand behind me while I was doing squats. I thought that perhaps Kaiser was paying close attention to how I moved and was trying to figure out how to improve my form.

But after some time has passed, I can feel Kaiser's crotch touching my butt, and whenever his crotch rubs against my butt, I can eerily feel something hard hidden beneath Kaiser's pants.

It continued for a few minutes without either Kaiser or I saying anything, and when I had finished my squats and looked at Kaiser, the silence had continued.

I could see Kaiser's eyes were a little disappointed, but after that, I was distracted by his charming smile, which made me forget about the strange incident for a while.

"Hmm, next time I'll ask Kaiser directly, ahhh... but somehow I feel embarrassed when I think about it," I said unsurely, but then suddenly I could feel the aura of someone coming towards me.

I could see a man and woman wearing neat black suits with black glasses and shoes, with serious expressions on their faces.

"Mizuki, B-Class Rank 71 Professional Hero, we have come to confirm regarding the lizard monster you defeated earlier," the woman said flatly while showing the tablet in her hand, which had shown the report I made earlier.

"Actually..." Since I know that my heart is incapable of concocting lies that I will come to regret telling in the future, I am a little conflicted about whether or not I should tell them the truth.

The female staff member of the Hero Association questioned, "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Her coworkers, who were standing next to her, listened intently out of curiosity as well.

"Actually, the one who defeated the monster lizard wasn't me but someone else," I said this while taking a deep breath and slightly closing my eyes because, for some reason, I felt uncomfortable having to break my promise and involve Kaiser's name.

The two staff members of the Hero Association looked at each other with slightly surprised expressions, but after that, the woman asked, "Do you know his name?"

I lied to them and said that "I don't know his name, he just came to quickly defeat the lizard monster and left without saying a word." This was because I did not want to tell them anything more than this.

After listening to me explain things, the female member of staff took out her tablet and scribbled something down. Following that, she and her colleague intended to leave, but before they did so, they left a message "if you meet that person, can you give me this envelope?"

When I looked at the white envelope that the female employee was holding in her hand, I was a little unsure about whether or not I should accept it, but in the end, I couldn't help but sigh and take it.

After saying, "Goodbye, Captain Mizuki," after that the two staff left quietly, leaving me alone with the white envelope still in my hand.

"I hope Kaiser isn't mad at me."