I found a monster here!

The slightly cloudy sky of City Z looks even darker as a large number of mosquito hordes begin to appear, and this is the second time that City Z has experienced this. This is the case because mosquito hordes that were far more numerous in the past have also spread terror in City Z until, in the end, a mysterious cyborg was able to eradicate the threat.

A human being with a peculiar appearance and a body that resembles a broken robot is seen waking up close to a red light that is still functioning.


"ughkk... am I... still alive?"

This human turned out to be one of the heroes that had been sent by the Hero Association, and because he was in the area, he decided to answer the call. He is a Class B Hero Rank 50, so he is confident he can handle Wolf's threat level.

This man turns out to be the "Jet Nice Guy," a hero who possesses a cyborg body. However, when compared to Genos, this man is nothing because the technology he utilizes is outdated, like old junk.

"I need to contact the Hero Association immediately…" said Jet Nice Guy as he attempted to establish a connection between the terminal on his body and the headquarters of the Hero Association.

While waiting, Jet Nice Guy, who was unable to move his lower body, could only look around in horror when he saw several human corpses in a terrible state.

Fresh blood emitting a dark red color was splashed on the sidewalks, walls, and vehicles that had stopped moving because their owners had abandoned them. The bodies of these corpses had the appearance of having been cut in half by a sharp object, and their entrails could be seen clearly strewn out on the asphalt.

"hah... hah... this situation is getting worse. I didn't expect a Wolf level threat to be this serious. Even a B class like me can't do much about it."

"At the very least, the monster that introduced itself as the Beast King and the armored gorilla that was standing next to him was already on the Tiger level threat."

Jet Nice Guy's broken cyborg voice revealed a hint of fear within it, but he did not pause to look to the right and left as if he were on guard against something.

Up until the point where Jet Nice Guy finally spots a dark cloud in the sky, at which point he wonders to himself, "what's in that sky?"

"mosquitoes?... are those swarms mosquitoes!... what's really going on in this city?"

After what seemed like an eternity, the dark clouds in the sky began to move away, and he finally understood that what he was looking at was a swarm of mosquitoes speeding its way towards him.

"why are they here... but I don't need to worry, because my body is a cyborg..." said Jet Nice Guy with a sigh of relief.

And sure enough, when the mosquitoes swarmed Jet Nice Guy, they were helpless to do anything, and when they started to give up and go through it, Jet Nice Guy had the feeling that something wasn't quite right.

Jet Nice Guy yelled in frustration, "Shit...these damn bugs, they're still sucking the blood out of these corpses," as he could see the corpses of ordinary people around him drying up.

But then, Jet Nice Guy was startled by a woman's voice that sounded slightly astonished, and when he looked back, or rather above him, Jet Nice Guy saw a woman who had several body parts of a mosquito.

"ah fuck..."


- Mosquito Girl Pov -

"Why aren't you dead yet?" When I saw this man in front of me, my first reaction was one of curiosity because I had been a little taken aback by the fact that my children could not suck his blood.

However, before this man could respond, I was reminded of Kaiser's tough battle suit. I realized that I more or less already knew the answer, and my expression changed to reflect my lack of interest.

The man in front of me responded anxiously, "I... I'm a cyborg..." but I did not respond and instead looked in another direction.

"Are you the one commanding this swarm of mosquitoes?"

When I saw my children, who had finished sucking blood from the corpses and dying people in this area, I intended to leave, so I said to this man in front of me in a cold voice:

"Okay, I'll go. You can die now."

This man screamed as I started tearing his body apart with my strong insect hands, "Wait a minute, don't....arghhh..."

My brows slightly furrowed when I saw his body, which was not bleeding but instead displaying engines and pungent smoke along with black liquid oozing out.

While tossing this man's body aside, I muttered to myself, "What a weird human. Even the inside of your body is as terrible as your outside appearance," But, when I noticed that the man's body was still slightly moving, I decided to go over to him again.



After saying, "yup, this is better," I then flew away, leaving the cyborg man who was now lying on the ground with his body torn to pieces and his head severed.


After that, I continued my blood harvest with a huge smile on my face because, after all this time, I could finally taste the flavor of human blood.

"Human blood is very different compared to animal blood. I can feel my body slowly getting stronger," I said with contentment as I received the harvested blood that had been sent to me by my children.

I was startled to hear a scream from someone below me that said, "I found a monster here!" and it seemed that this person was referring to me.

I opened my eyes, and as I licked the blood that was on my lips, I started to look down. When I did so, I saw several men dressed in black suits pointing at me while talking to one another.