Kaiser please help me...

Even though the battle between Fubuki, a Class B Rank 1 Hero, and Beast King, who possesses extraordinary power, appears to be simple and not flashy, the aura they create and the impact they have are, of course, very powerful.

When Fubuki began using her esper powers, it seemed like a storm had suddenly arrived in Z city. All of the wind seemed to be blowing towards Fubuki, covering her body like an armor that was hard to penetrate.

Lily, who was observing the battle from the sidelines and occasionally correcting her hair, which was being blown by the wind, remarked, "As I expected from Fubuki-sama, she is very strong and cool."

Unknowingly, the man, who was also a Class B Hero and whom Fubuki had saved earlier, began to stand beside Lily with sparkling eyes and a look of admiration on his face as he watched Fubuki and Beast King fight.

This class B hero man commented, "Class B rank 1 is indeed different. Fubuki is very strong compared to the rest of class B heroes."

Lily, who was standing next to him, gave a head nod as if she agreed, and she continued saying in a tone filled with pride, "I believe Fubuki-sama's strength can be compared to that of class A heroes."

While Lily and this man were busy praising Fubuki's performance, Beast King, who had been unable to move before, suddenly started moving his body and began deftly avoiding every rock, metal object, and rubble that flew towards him.



There was a loud sound of metal falling without making any impact whatsoever on the body of Beast King, as well as the sound of flying rocks and rubble, neither of which had hit him.

Fubuki said in disbelief, "No way, how did you get away from my restraint that easily," but Beast King just laughed it off. Soon after, Beast King's body began shaking, and he grew larger. Even his fangs and claws started to grow longer and sharper.

"I admit that your strange power can restrain my body, but you are not strong enough to be able to restrain me forever, hahahaha," sneered Beast King, along with his resounding laughter. "I admit that your strange power can restrain my body, but you are not strong enough to be able to restrain me forever."

As Fubuki, who now felt insulted, began to show signs of seriousness, she quickly began to muster all of her esper power, and the wind barrier surrounding her body grew larger like a destructive storm.

After saying, "Let's see how you can withstand this," Fubuki began to direct the storm towards Beast King, and she began to smile with satisfaction as if she was confident with her attack this time.

Fubuki's confidence was not wrong because it can be seen from the Beast King's furrowed eyebrows, indicating that he took Fubuki's attack this time very seriously.

As soon as Fubuki realized that Beast King was planning to escape, she quickly used her esper powers to restrain him once more. The immobilized Beast King looked at Fubuki with an annoyed expression on his face.

"I told you, you're too weak to restrain me," Beast King immediately began doing everything in his power to free himself before being engulfed in the whirlwind of this extremely lethal storm.

However, Fubuki, who witnessed it, merely scoffed, and with a cold tone, she said, "but this is enough. You won't be able to dodge in time."

And sure enough, it wasn't long before the vortex began to envelop Beast King within it before he could dodge, and everyone there could hear Beast King's screams roaring in agony while he was trapped inside.

"Are you okay, Fubuki-sama," Lily said worriedly as she hurriedly ran towards Fubuki, who now looked a little pale with panting breath.

After that, Lily put Fubuki's hand on her shoulder and supported her while they both looked at the storm vortex that was still spinning at high speed while the sound of Beast King roaring in pain could be heard.

But not too long after that, Fubuki was able to sense something strange emanating from the center of the storm's vortex, and all of a sudden, Fubuki started to push Lily away.

Lily, who was confused by Fubuki's sudden strange action, could not help but go into shock. Just then, the silhouette of a massive and tall monster appeared in front of her, and in an instant, this monster immediately swung its enormous claws towards Fubuki.



"Fubuki-sama!!!" Lily let out a hysterical scream as she witnessed Fubuki's body flying and crash into the destroyed building with a bang, and she could hear the monster in front of her laughing with glee.

"hahaha, with one punch, you're dead. How dare you try to act tough in front of me, human!."

It turned out that this monster was Beast King, and even though its appearance was covered in wounds with its skin and fur peeled off, exposing its inner flesh, it still stood tall and proud.

"Next, you two, I'll make sure to slowly enjoy your meat," after saying that, Beast King immediately started running at such a rapid pace that even Lily began to see a blurry figure of him.

Interestingly, Beast King did not immediately attack Lily, who was nearby. Instead, Beast King started attacking the class B man earlier, like a predator preying on its prey. Of course, the man didn't stand a chance because, with just one jump, the man immediately ended up in the mouth of this king of beasts.

Lily, who was still in a state of shock, could not do anything more than stand rigidly while looking at the ruins where Fubuki had landed. Even when Beast King stood in front of her with his mouth chewing the body of the Class B man just now, Lily could not stop shaking.

"Fubuki-sama, what should I do now..." Lily muttered with a terrified expression, and the situation became increasingly dire for Lily as Beast King began to finish swallowing the food that was in his mouth and wanted to grab Lily's small body.

"Kaiser please help me..."