Ground Dragon

When Lily saw Kaiser easily cut off one of Beast King's arms and legs, she couldn't help but let out a gasp with her mouth wide open, while Fubuki could only snort coldly while muttering:

"Is he trying to show off, humm! shameless bastard!"

Lily had been watching Kaiser for quite some time with eyes that were slightly sparkling when she finally noticed Fubuki's presence walking from inside the ruins. She immediately ran over to meet up with her.

"Are you okay Fubuki-sama?"

Even though Fubuki was agitated, she managed to muster up a reassuring smile after confirming that Lily, who was standing in front of her, was unharmed.

"Of course, don't look down on me too much, okay, I'm a Class B Rank 1 Hero, you know."

But Fubuki, who was too proud, didn't want to admit that if Kaiser hadn't caught her body earlier, she might have sustained more serious injuries and couldn't continue the fight.



While Fubuki and Lily were talking and watching Kaiser, who was now about to finish off Beast King, the ground suddenly began to violently shake, and Kaiser, who had been standing straight on the asphalt, was now being pulled firmly underground.

"what happened?" Lily screamed in a panic, and just as she was about to run to help Kaiser, Fubuki, who was standing next to her, stopped her.

"Wait, Lily, we have another monster."

"But, Fubuki-sama, if this continues, Kaiser will simply become entrapped there."

'Damn this innocent girl, if only she knew that not long ago Kaiser blackmailed me in order to help her, I'm sure this girl wouldn't be this nice to that guy,' Fubuki thought to herself.

Fubuki let out a sigh and then quickly issued an order, saying, "alright, you watch your surroundings if that monster appears, and I will take on Beast King."

Lily gave a small nod and began to stand guard with her three-section staff. In the meantime, Fubuki made immediate preparations to face Beast King, who seemed weakened due to the amount of blood pouring out of his severed hands and feet.

"Ground Dragon! quickly, take out this human being first! After that, we will be able to look after these fragile women, "yelled Beast King in a very excited tone.

"Who's that weak woman you said that, huh!" said Fubuki in a chilly tone, and judging by the look on her face, it seemed as though she was offended by Beast King for having underestimated her too much.

As the situation became tense again, Kaiser, who was at this point completely buried in the ground, leaving only his head, muttered in surprise as if he had just realized something:

"I forgot, isn't there one more monster from the House of Evolution that hasn't appeared yet."

"Hey Kaiser! How long are you planning to stay there, and do you have no intention to get out?" When Fubuki saw that Kaiser still didn't want to come out and seemed to be enjoying the situation he was in, she yelled angrily at him.

But Kaiser's response consisted only of ridicule, which made Fubuki even more furious. "Don't tell me, you can't face this weak monster that's already injured? And you call yourself Rank 1?"

"whatever you want!" Fubuki said as her chest heaved and her breathing became erratic. She then turned her eyes away from Kaiser as if she no longer cared and focused on Beast King in front of her.

But, unbeknownst to anyone there, the real reason Kaiser didn't come out of the ground right away was that he wanted to let Fubuki and Lily take care of the rest, and not only that, but from where Kaiser was, he could see Fubuki and Lily's buttocks shaking erotically every time they both move.

Kaiser couldn't contain his excitement as he thought to himself, 'Who would miss this opportunity to relax while enjoying every appetizing part of Fubuki and Lily's bodies when they fight later?'

Soon after, and not too far away from Lily, the abrasive asphalt suddenly rose up as if something wanted to come out of the ground beneath it, and sure enough, the silhouette of a creature resembling a mole but being of a larger size and possessing sharp claws protruded from the ground.

In addition to the fact that the name "Ground Dragon" was legibly written on the monster's stomach, there was no doubt in anyone's mind that this beast was, in fact, Ground Dragon that Beast King was referring to.

"Watch Your Step, Lily!" After seeing a strange new monster emerge behind Lily, Fubuki let out an alarmed shout of concern.

However, Lily, who never let her guard down, had already noticed the appearance of this monster, and without further ado, she swung her staff wildly at Ground Dragon's head in an attempt to kill it.



While Lily's staff loudly slammed into the ground without striking anything, the equally quick Ground Dragon immediately burrowed into the ground and then reappeared on the surface not too far away.

"Lily, don't worry. I know you can do it!" I yelled with glee, and even though at first Lily looked a little disappointed that her attack had been missed, she quickly perked up and smiled at me as she got excited.

Beast King bellowed impatiently, "What are you doing, Ground Dragon? Quickly finish off that weak woman!" as more blood spurted from his wound with every movement he made.

Fubuki sneered at Beast King, telling him, "What is the king of the beasts? You are now nothing more than a barking dog," and before Beast King could respond, Fubuki quickly used her esper powers.

Because Fubuki knew that the monsters Lily was fighting weren't as powerful as she thought, she was quite relieved, and now she could finish off this Beast King without anyone bothering her.


"Psychic strikes!"

Fubuki launched attack after attack without mercy as if she was venting all of her frustrations on Beast King in front of her, and this poor monster, who was already heavily injured, certainly couldn't do much at this point other than dodge.