When? You didn't tell me anything

I hurried home after receiving a message from both my mother and a number I was unfamiliar with. Somehow, I had the impression that the two messages were connected, and I had a bad feeling about this.

The tall and sturdy white gate of my house could be seen not far in front of me, and without any further ado, I immediately increased my speed, and with a high jump, I crossed this wall like an obstacle with ease before landing in the front yard and walking leisurely to the front door.

Naturally, everything would be different if it had been done by someone else because if an outsider tried to pass through this gate the way I did, the security system would immediately detect it. Then various advanced weaponry would immediately begin to bombard the intruder.




After taking off my shoes, I walked into the living room, where my mother stood and looked at the television screen in front of her. She seemed to be very focused because she, who was typically very sensitive about my presence, was completely oblivious to it.

I walked slowly behind my mother, and, with the corner of my mouth raised, I tried to tease her by blowing on her nape. Unexpectedly, she reacted very exaggeratedly, which I found quite amusing.

"kyahhh... mmmh... Kaiser? What the... ahem..."

After letting out a slightly strange groan, my mother, who was still blushing, tried to act normal. But after seeing her reaction just now, I somehow got excited, especially when I saw her, who usually wears her lab white robe, now only wearing ordinary housewife clothes, showing her erotic body more openly.

"umm, Kaiser, did you read my message?" My mother questioned me after she noticed that I was looking all over her body with a strange expression.

My mother was absolutely correct in her assessment, as, at the time, I was still fixated on her sexier and hotter appearance. At the time, she was wearing a white shirt pulled slightly taut by an apron, and her pants appeared too small, causing her full buttocks to be displayed more prominently than before.

After being quite satisfied, I smiled and replied, "yes, and what do you mean by that message?"

My mother then gestured toward the TV that she was currently watching and said, "*cough... look at this Kaiser."

I moved closer until I stood next to my mother so I could see the TV screen more clearly. To my surprise, I could see the recent news that showed a picture of me, or rather a picture of me wearing my battle suit.

[ Breaking news, as viewers at home can see, we have successfully acquired a more distinct image of the mysterious person who was said to have played a significant part in helping eliminate the threat in Z city the other day ]

"Although I can't see your face, but from that battle suit and body posture, it's you, right?"

I didn't answer my mother's question right away because the next thing that the news showed surprised me even more.

[ Back to the studio, all right, viewers at home, today we have a special guest who, for the last few hours, has been talked about by everyone. Let's welcome Miss Fubuki, a professional hero class B rank 1 ]

The news program had transitioned into a talk show at this point, and just as the host had said, Fubuki soon appeared on the screen with a charismatic and icy expression on her face. This, combined with a long white fur coat, a dark green form-fitting dress, thigh-high black boots, and several necklaces, gave the impression that she was a tough yet elegant woman.

'What is this woman thinking? Don't tell me she's intoxicated by the fame she just got, but does this have something to do with the news about me?'

When this talk show began, I didn't have to wait long for any of the questions going through my head to get answered. Hearing what Fubuki had to say caused me to furrow my brows because this was such an unexpected turn of events.

[ So, Miss Fubuki, are you saying that this mysterious man wearing a battle suit really helped you in eradicating the threat that hit City Z the other day, and not only that, this mysterious man is also a secret member of your Blizzard Group organization? ]

"Kaiser, what happened? Why didn't you tell me anything about you being in City Z when the threat came?"

When I saw my mother became suspicious and seemed worried. I couldn't help but respond with a wry smile and ask my mother, "Didn't I tell you yesterday?"

"When? You didn't tell me anything."

Because there was no other option available to me, and because my mother looked like she would not give up until she heard an answer that was satisfactory to her, I began telling the stories, and of course, I omitted and misrepresented many details.

My mother gave me a thoughtful look before letting out a long sigh and saying, "So you wanted to try out the battle suit that your father made, and that's why you went to City Z that day after hearing the news about the threat?"

I nodded and gave an embarrassed smile. After confirming a few more things, my mother didn't ask anything else, and she started walking to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. In the meantime, I sat on the couch and continued watching TV.

'So this woman is trying to take advantage of the situation to make as much profit as possible by promoting her Blizzard group, huh.'

"But she sure has the nerve to try to use me in her plans," I muttered under my breath as a chilly grin began to form on my face.