what is this little girl's name?

"Could you not play on your phone at the dinner table, Kaiser?"

I smiled softly as I responded, "Sorry, I was just checking something," and after I finished typing something on my phone, I put it back in my pocket.



The sound of forks clashing could be heard when I chopped the pieces of meat on my plate and pricked them with the fork before I put them in my mouth and chewed voraciously.

"So, what have you been doing these past few days, and why are you rarely at home?" my mother asked after she finished sipping a glass of water.

"Don't you always know? Whenever I wake up in the morning, the first thing I do is go for a run and get some exercise. After that, I head to college until the afternoon, and then I come back here to eat dinner with you, right?"

My mother's displeasure with my response was noticeable, but she seemed at a loss for what else to say to get a response she wanted from me. Until finally, she seemed to have gotten something in her mind as she said:

"Kaiser, I know you're hiding something from me, I also know that you sometimes like to leave the house at night..."

Before my mother could continue what she was saying, I immediately cut her off and asked suspiciously, "How do you know I go out at night?"

"Of course, when it comes to that, I checked your room, and when I couldn't find you, I tried looking all over the house, and that's when I know you're out at night," my mother replied with a smile on her face as if she was proud of it.

"You checked my room?"

It was at this point that my mother realized that what she had just said was a little strange, so with a red face, she tried to explain it by saying, "You know, I was just checking to see if you were asleep or not, that's how it is, there's nothing strange."

Seeing this beautiful middle-aged woman with white hair looking flustered made me want to tease her even more. Without even realizing it, my dick would twitch a few times as if impatient. But, after taking a deep breath, I then changed the subject.

"Mother, does father still keep himself busy with his business? Hasn't it been a while now?"

For some reason, I had the impression that my mother was a little disappointed, but she quickly covered her disappointment with a warm smile and said, "maybe your dad will be able to join us for dinner tonight."

"What's he got to be so busy about?"

"As usual, this is connected to his toys, and this time he is in quite serious trouble. If you are curious about this, you can go to his lab and ask him directly about it."

"Hooh, so that's how it is, but by the way, why are you being sullen, mother?"

"Who is making a face? You just see wrong," My mother responded to my question while pointing out her full lips to me in such a way that suggested she wanted me to take notice.

I can more or less tell how she's feeling right now, she must be feeling lonely, plus her weird reaction towards me can't help her current state either. That's why she acts out of that way whenever she's around me.

While taking a deep breath, I then suggested, "hey, mother, can you teach me something new with your knowledge in your experiment?"

Although my mother didn't expect me to suddenly say that, she showed her approval by nodding her head enthusiastically. After we had finished eating, my mother hurriedly led me to her laboratory, located underground below our home.

That day I spent the whole day with my mother in her lab, and there I gained a lot of new knowledge that might be useful to me in the future, and I could also see my mother smiling more than she usually does.

It came as a bit of a surprise to me as well to discover that the young girl with whom my mother experimented back then has now matured into a more expressive and strong individual. It seems that what my mother said is correct, that the possibilities for this girl's future are endless.

After gently poking the round cheeks of the young girl with the snow-white hair in front of me, I turned to my mother and asked, "Can I ask this girl out for a walk?"

"Hmmm, what are you doing with her outside? This girl is still unstable you know," my mother replied as she started to get busy with her other research.

I looked into the eyes of this cute girl, who was staring at me curiously, and I asked her, Hey, do you want to go for a walk with me sometime?

This girl opened her mouth while slightly tilting her head to the side and said, "going for a walk? What is that?"

After noticing the look of bewilderment on this little girl's face, I gave her a light-hearted smile and then rubbed her head while heaving a sigh.

"I'll show you another time, ok, for the time being, you can stay here and do what my mother says and be strong."


'Although this girl looks like a ten-year-old child, she behaves more like a toddler. Given that she was the result of an experiment my mother had just completed, I suppose you could say that's only natural, huh?'

"Yes, I will come again, and at that time I will take you out of this place."

After that, I stayed in this underground laboratory for a few more hours. During that time, I observed my mother's experiments while simultaneously learning new information. When I needed a break, I occasionally played with the little girl whose name I did not yet know.

"Mother, just out of curiosity, what is this little girl's name?"

"I haven't decided just yet. What do you think would be a good name for her?"

I responded, "I don't know, you can just give her a random name," but then I changed my mind and suggested a name for this girl:

"Freya, your name is Freya."

"Freya eh, I didn't know you could think of such a unique name this short time, Kaiser," my mother commented as she chuckled.

Soon enough, the little girl in front of me laughed as well, smiling gently at me while repeating the name I gave her. Meanwhile, both my mother and I showed surprised expressions because the girl who previously always showed a straight flat face now showed another emotion.