tch, lucky you

After the attack by the House of Evolution and the terrorist group Paradiser a few days ago, the city Z that has recovered does not necessarily become safe. On the contrary, monsters appear more frequently after that, and as a result, slowly but surely, several areas within the city of Z are becoming abandoned because the residents are moving to other places.

One of the abandoned neighborhoods is so desolate that it has been named a "ghost town," and it can be found right in the middle of city Z. As a result of the closure of many stores and businesses, which ultimately resulted in their bankruptcy, there are now only a select few supermarkets that are operational. In the meantime, an apartment is also on the verge of going bankrupt. This is because people are afraid to live there, which has led the owner to charge a significantly lower price than normal.

Even though this not-too-bad apartment had a low price tag, people still didn't want to risk their lives by living there. as it should be noted, that area was where monsters appeared the most.

Among the residents who frequently change in and out of the apartment, On the third floor of the apartment building, there is a resident who is still loyal in one of the rooms. You could say that this unusual resident doesn't seem to care about the dangers or rumors of monsters that frequently appear in that area.




"Hey! Genos, you make so much noise! Can you turn it off? I'm watching TV here!" Saitama shouted at Genos, who was vacuuming not far from him.

Genos curtly responded, "Sorry, Master, after seeing how messy and dirty your room is, I took the initiative to clean it," but he still obeyed his master's request and turned off the vacuum cleaner.

"Just let it be! Don't give me any advice based on how my life has turned out so far!"

Even though it was obvious that Saitama was irritated right now because of the way his forehead was twitching a few times, he did not change his position and continued to lie on the futon sluggishly while watching television.

Exactly when Genos was at a loss for words, his eyes suddenly flashed a bit, and as if he remembered something, he suddenly asked, "Master, is it okay for you to stay at home all the time?"

Saitama, who was still catnapping, simply scratched his stomach and responded nonchalantly, "huh, what's wrong with that?"

"I don't know if Master forgot, but if a C-class Hero doesn't make any contributions within a week, their Professional Hero certificate will be revoked."

After hearing that, Saitama's expression immediately changed, and sweat started dripping from his bald head as he quickly stood up and hurriedly approached Genos. While holding both of Genos' shoulders, Saitama asked seriously:

"Are you sure, Genos? How come I didn't know about it?"

When Genos saw the sudden serious reaction of his master, he too became serious, and he said in a firm tone of voice, "they tell us the first time we got there, did Master forget?"

Saitama's eyes immediately widened, and he hurriedly took his hero clothes from the cupboard while shouting in frustration, "argkk... I just remembered now, but why haven't I seen any news about monster attacks on tv in the past few days..."

Genos, after analyzing his Master's lifestyle up to this point, had a thought pop into his head as he was thinking about his Master's past: 'Apparently, because all this time the enemies Master has faced are powerful, so every time they appear, they are always shown on the news. Therefore it is only natural for Master to forget about weak threats that don't appear on tv.'

Genos only watched from the sidelines while still holding the vacuum cleaner in his hand. Meanwhile, Saitama was still hastily wearing his white cape and red gloves.

"Hey, Genos, why are you just standing there? Shouldn't you also get ready?" questioned Saitama in wonder when he had finished changing and was about to leave.

"Like I said before, this only applies to class C. Meanwhile, class B, A, and S are not bound by this rule."

After giving Genos an envious look and hurriedly running out of his apartment, Saitama said, "tch, lucky you." Genos was left waving his hand and wishing Saitama success as he was left behind.

After seeing that Saitama had really left, Genos then continued his cleaning work. He was extremely diligent and careful as he cleaned every nook and cranny of Saitama's space.

"What is this, and could this possibly be the key to Master's incredible strength?" Genos mumbled to himself as he was organizing Saitama's futon and discovered a book underneath it. The front cover featured a picture of a woman not wearing any clothes.

"It seems not. According to the information I searched on the internet, a man who lives alone in his apartment like Master is more likely to keep things like this."

After finishing his analysis of it, Genos couldn't help but feel disappointed. He then put the book on the shelf, his brows then furrowed as he muttered:

"After the monster attack a few days ago, Master suddenly came home with a gloomy expression, and when I asked him why, he then explained how he was accused of being a terrorist member of The Paradiser and so on. in essence, he was disappointed because no one recognized him after everything he had done so far as a hero."

"At first, I was also shocked, considering that Master has spent all this time rescuing this world from powerful threats. However, I later found out the problem, which is that Master is not a member of the Hero Association."


While he was vacuuming on the tv's sidelines, Genos saw the news on the television, where he saw Fubuki, a class B ranking 1 Professional Hero, who had been very busy in the discussion recently.

"After registering as a professional hero, I registered as a B-class Hero ranked 101, and Master registered as a C-class Hero ranked 391. Although Master was quite upset about the outcome of that result, I really couldn't care less about the ranking that the Hero Association about this ranking bullshit."

"Because my initial and primary objective is to become a student of this man named Saitama. I want to be as strong as he is so I can get revenge on those who wronged me in the past."