They're all really stupid (R-18)

When Fubuki's heart and mind unite with Kaiser for a moment, they both look like they are enjoying each other. Even their appearance can be considered perfect for each other, with Kaiser, who is several years younger than Fubuki.

Kaiser's trait can be said to be a handsome young man who prefers to be alone. He doesn't even try to stand out, and that can be seen from the way he dresses casually and simply, in contrast to Fubuki.

Because she wants others to think of her as a woman who is charismatic and strong, this beautiful woman, named Fubuki, can be said to want to attract the attention of many people, and her appearance is also exquisite and majestic. This is also one of the consequences of feeling a massive inferiority complex to her older sister, Tatsumaki, who can also be called Tornado.



'What am I doing right now, and why am I being so submissive as to allow this man to do anything he pleases?' asked Fubuki in her heart, but her eyes were currently fixated on Kaiser's beautiful bright red eyes, which were very close to hers.

Fubuki didn't know how many times Kaiser had kissed her on the lips, but every time he touched her lips, she had the sensation that she was being bewitched more and more.

"I'm glad you like it," Kaiser said as he paused to stare at Fubuki's beautiful face, which was now shining with a lustful light.

"Wh-who likes this kind of thing?...are you stupid? It's obvious that I had to do it, right?"

Fubuki did her best to deny it, but Kaiser liked her even more because of how her face blushed and flustered she became. With a soft smile on his face, Kaiser whispered:

"You can't lie to yourself. But because you look so cute right now, I'll let it slide for the time being."

Fubuki, who used to get anxious whenever she met Kaiser, has now, for the first time, become calmer. However, this calmness has been replaced with a strange feeling that appeared out of nowhere, which has caused her to be unable to look directly at Kaiser.



The sound of strong heartbeats could be heard and felt coming from Fubuki and Kaiser. These two voices complimented each other, which resulted in this unavoidably twisted situation.

"Come, your turn to kiss me," Kaiser said teasingly while waiting for Fubuki's response.

Even though Fubuki's heavy breathing had all of a sudden become unfocused at that moment, she was still able to think clearly as she responded with a pout, saying:

"W-why do I have to kiss you? You can do whatever you want, but you can't force me..."

Kaiser did not give up when he saw that Fubuki was being a little stubborn. Instead, he caressed Fubuki's soft pink lips seductively while still waiting, and in the end, Fubuki, who couldn't stand the situation she was in now and started to close her eyes before kissing Kaiser.

The kiss that Fubuki gave seemed carefree and straight to the point, but despite this, there was sincerity in it, which made the sensation they both felt so different from before, which was just based on lust. Nevertheless, not long after that, the previously silent background gradually became slightly noisier as the sound of sirens became audible in the distance.

[Attention to everyone in city Z, it is estimated that the asteroid will hit this city within thirty minutes. It is hoped that the residents who are still in the city will leave immediately, leave your belongings because your lives are more valuable]

[Once more, the asteroid that is a Dragon-level threat is soon going to hit this Z city in less than thirty minutes, and it is hoped that the Professional Heroes will help evacuate the residents who are still in the city]

Kaiser could feel Fubuki, who was under him, wanting to wake up after hearing the repeated sirens and announcements from the Hero Association, But Kaiser, who didn't care, was still enjoying their slightly disturbed perverted moment until finally, Fubuki said with a slightly muffled voice:

"mmmph...♡ ahh... stop it, Kaiser, we have to go now... fuahh...♡ stop kissing me...♡"

The passionate kisses they exchanged caused Fubuki's lips to turn a bright red, almost as if they were on fire. At the same time, her chest could be seen rising and falling in rhythm with the movement of her sloppy breathing. Although Kaiser didn't care about the asteroid and wanted to carry on with his actions, he knew that he had to stop for now.

Kaiser whispered, "We'll continue this another time, just the two of us, without anyone disturbing," and ended with him biting Fubuki's ear before he finally got up.

"uhh...♡ you shameless bastard..." Fubuki yelled as she hastily stood up, re-donning her long white fur coat.

Kaiser suggested, "Let's go to the rooftop," and without a long wait, he was already on his way there.

As Fubuki was forced to follow behind Kaiser because she had no other option, she sighed and muttered, "Can this man at least tone down his selfishness a little bit?"


A girl covered in a brilliant emerald light was seen flying quickly across the sky in another location not far from city Z. The girl had a small stature and wore only a form-fitting black dress with long sleeves and low-heeled black shoes, which made her appear to be a small black dot above the vast sky.

Even though the brilliant emerald light that covered her entire body was the same color as her hair, this light was a part of the extremely powerful Psychic power that she possessed. At this very moment, her expression was annoyed as she glanced at the cell phone screen she holding in her hands.

"mooo, really, they all piss me off. My little sister unexpectedly gave me a message, and when I was curious, I found out that the Hero Association headquarters had been hiding news about this bullshit asteroid from me all this time."

"They're all really stupid. Luckily my little sister told me… ahhh, it can't be helped, they can't do anything without me, but they all still try to look strong. How foolish."