my S class title didn't go to waste, huh

"Thank you, Master Bang," said Fubuki as she bowed her head, and her body immediately fell to the ground. I quickly caught her, and seeing Fubuki, who had just passed out from exhaustion, relieved me.

"By the way, Bang, where's Metal Knight?" Because I had focused my attention earlier on Tatsumaki, I completely ignored my surroundings for a while.

"Oh, he's already gone, but I don't think that should come as a surprise because he's always been like that."

While I was listening to that, I looked in the direction where Saitama and Genos had been standing earlier, but I couldn't find their figures anymore. I thought to myself, 'they've also left, huh.'

Bang asked, "What are you going to do next, young man?" while his gaze revealed that he was really interested in my answer to his question.

Instead of responding right away, I complimented the old geezer in front of me by saying, "You sure are strong. Looks like your S class title didn't go to waste."

"Hahaha, don't worry, you can still surpass me. After all, this is all thanks to you. If your attack hadn't cracked the asteroid in several parts earlier, I couldn't break it into pieces so easily."

"Is that so? Well, then I'll say goodbye first, Bang."

I quickly said my goodbyes because I didn't want to spend too much more time in this place, and then, with Fubuki still in my arms, I dove off the roof of the building to begin searching for Lily, who was probably very concerned about what had happened right now.


Meanwhile, Bang, who is now on the roof by himself, observes that Z City has returned to its previous state, which is one of tranquillity and peace as if the asteroid incident had never taken place.

With his hands behind his back and his posture slightly hunched over, Bang then moved to the edge before looking down, where he saw the young man who had spoken to him just now carrying Fubuki in his arms to the members of the Blizzard Group.

Bang muttered with a big smile plastered on his face, "my S class title didn't go to waste, huh, really interesting," but slowly, the smile faded, and he furrowed his brows.

"Does that brat want to say I'm good enough for class S Hero but not enough for rank 3?"

"I'm not sure whether it's his confidence or a form of arrogance, hahaha... but I'm looking forward to his growth in the future."


After reassuring Lily, who was becoming increasingly concerned, that Fubuki was perfectly healthy and just exhausted, I bid farewell and declined Lily's request to remain for a while longer until Fubuki woke up.

Before leaving, I told Lily while tenderly stroking her head, "Take good care of Fubuki. I'll go first," But, as if I had forgotten something, I then added:

"You've done your best, Lily. I'm proud of you."

Lily, who had been looking dejected and exhausted before, started to smile brightly as she waved her hand at me just after hearing those few words of praise and encouragement.

"Thank you, Kaiser!"

After being yelled at by Lily, who had suddenly become excited, all I did was just nod my head before quickly fleeing the area. I didn't want to draw any more attention to myself than necessary.

I made the decision not to use my teleportation abilities because, for some reason, this time, I chose to fly home using my battle suit. While I was flying home, the blowing wind and the amazing scenery helped calm my mind and heart.

Even though I was flying quickly using my battle suit, the distance between City Z and City A, where my house is, was quite far. Therefore, by the time I arrived at the gate of my house, the sun was already beginning to set.

"Kaiser, welcome home."

My father's voice could be heard over the intercom, and I responded to him with surprise and a bit trace of longing by saying, "You finally came out, old man. I was worried that you had died in your lab without anyone knowing."

"hahaha, by the way, I saw your actions in the news earlier. You really make me proud, Kaiser. You also let people know how sophisticated and great my creation battle suit is."

Hearing his excited voice, I knew that my father would have a lot to say again, so I quickly interrupted him and suggested that we talk about it over dinner, as I was sure that my mother would also be interested in hearing it.

"ohh, you're totally right about that."

After that, the gate in front of me slid open completely before I went through it, and then it closed again automatically. After removing my battle suit, I went inside, but instead of immediately meeting my parents, I went to the bathroom to take a long, relaxing bath in warm water.

That evening, my mother and I had dinner with my father for the first time in a very long time. The majority of the topics discussed were about my actions, which were being reported a lot on TV, particularly in the part where I took out lasers and small rockets to stop the asteroids from falling. Still, even though it ended in failure, the visuals I showed with it really looked dashing and cool, which is why many people liked it and talked about it.

My father was a little disappointed when he said, "But it's a pity, your battle suit's explosive power is still not enough to destroy that asteroid," but I took the opportunity to ask:

"Then do you want to upgrade my battle suit?"

My father's eyes lit up immediately, and he responded with enthusiasm, "that's a great idea, perfect fit, and I'm also not too busy for the next few days, so you can drop by my lab any time, ok?"

My mother, who had been remaining silent throughout the conversation while furrowing her brows, suddenly joined in with the following remark, "hmph, you two are always talking about battle suits, but I'm sure after all of the serums and genes I gave Kaiser, with his raw body alone he can destroy that asteroid easily."

I couldn't help but crack a wry smile before saying to myself, 'I don't think that's enough either, mother… I'm worried that I'll be crushed instead.'