Is that massive mecha really a Gundam!

Before I met Fubuki, as I had promised, I went to my father's laboratory. It is not very far away, only a few meters from my house, and it is buried underground. For some reason, my family prefers to construct a laboratory underground rather than on the surface.

My mother studies living things, whereas my father studies technology, particularly robots, battle suits, and weapons, all of which are highly harmful to mankind. Because of this, I believe that some monsters or disasters that occur in this world are caused by my parents.

Because in the past, my mother had let her research beast out into the wild, where it eventually evolved into a monster threat of a Dragon level. Even though the monster was eventually vanquished by a Professional Hero, the damage it caused was not a game.

Like my father, the robot he built went on a rampage and caused havoc in the cities until my father finally managed to gain control of it and lock it away again.

"Hey, dad, it's me," I said in front of an entrance to my father's laboratory, and shortly afterwards, a holographic screen appeared with my father's face on it. He greeted me with a smile, although he seemed exhausted.


Soon after, a door opened, but once I went inside, there was nothing more than a tiny room with white walls all around it. Nevertheless, I went in with no apparent concern, and not long after that, the door shut again.

I was quickly taken underground in what felt like an elevator, and the door opened again, but this time it revealed an absolutely incredible scene.

"What does he want with all these robots? Is my dad trying to build an army?" I asked in surprise. As I walked, I saw a factory producing many robots. Their bodies were assembled from the head, which became the core of the body, and then their arms and legs.

Who runs this factory is also a robot that has been controlled by my father, and soon there will be a small robot approaching me, floating around like an eye and moving in a circular motion.

"hahahaha, see how you are amazed by all of this. How? It's really different, isn't it, from the last time you were here?" I can make out my father's voice, who appears to be satisfied, coming from this quirky robot.

Finally, this robot led me to my father's room, which was very deep in the ground. Along the way, I could only see different kinds of robots, and there were only a few robots were humanoid in shape. The rest of them had unusual designs.

"What a unique taste, huh? It's no surprise that he's always eager to create new robots with designs that have the potential to be interpreted as either innovative or strange at the same time," when I saw many robots that looked like characters from fairy tales, such as centaur robots, fairy robots, and many others, I couldn't help but mutter under my breath.


After that, I entered an extremely disorganized room with a lot of paper scattered on the floor. On paper, there were a variety of designs of robots and weapons that had been crafted by my father.

My father said to me from his seat, "You've finally come, Kaiser. I was worried that you would forget me because you were too busy out there," and then he hurriedly got up before walking towards me and gave me a warm hug, but I hurriedly stepped away from him.

"How long have you gone without a bath or shower, Dad? Why are you always like this?" I said it with disdain because even though my father had a regular appearance and his white lab coat was spotless, he was very stinky and sweating a lot.

"Come on, I can take a shower after all my work is done, so don't sweat it too much."

My father could only laugh in embarrassment, but he quickly forgot about it as he started showing me around his lab. Even though I was a little uncomfortable around my father, I couldn't stop being amazed by all of the creations that my father had made along the way.

'Is that an actual nuclear weapon!... hold on a second, I think I'm a bit familiar with that robot before... woah... Gundam! Is that massive mecha really a Gundam!' I screamed on the inside, and for some reason, I became excited. Even though I am not a fan of Gundam or anything like that, seeing directly the Gundam robot that can be climbed in front of my eyes has its effect.

After I had the fill of the tour, the two of us went back to my dad's room, and when we got there, he asked me straight to the point, "So you really want to upgrade your battle suit?"

"Yeah, I want to increase the explosive power, and also, I want to upgrade the features that are already there."

"What features? Don't you have all of them already?"

As my father said, actually, my battle suit already has many advanced and refined features, but "all of them are still not enough, and besides, I'm sure you must already have more advanced technology to complement my battle suit, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so, but it's going to take me a few days, so what are you going to do?" asked my dad after he received the jacket that I usually wear.

"What?" I asked in a confused. My father then explained his statements to me more clearly, "You know that, without that battle suit of yours, you have nothing to protect you, right?"

I just grinned before I pointed at myself and said, "I still have this," and my father's only reaction was to raise his eyebrows and sneer a little bit.

"ohh, you mean your body modification done by your mother? I guess you should be careful then because I'm sure it's not as good as my battle suit creation."

My father's childish behavior in trying to compare his creation to my mother's research related to living things left me with no choice but to shake my head, but I didn't give it much thought, and after saying my goodbyes, I quickly left my father's lab.