Congratulations on the promotion

"where on earth did she go?" Fubuki muttered in confusion because she couldn't find Lily. She even considered the possibility that she had entered the wrong room but was confident that she hadn't made a mistake.

"Am I in the wrong room?"

Fubuki intended to leave, but before she could do so, she was interrupted by a groan from the far corner of the room. When she turned around, she saw that the curtain of the booth that had been opened earlier was now closed very securely.

When Fubuki got closer, she recognized the person who groaned and let out a sigh of relief. But she started wrinkling her brows because she realized something was wrong.

'What is Lily doing? Why did she make such a sound... don't tell me…'

Because Fubuki's mind was now filled with lewd things after she saw and heard the sex scenes that Kaiser did with other women, Fubuki panicked and quickly opened the curtain in front of her.

"What... What are you doing here, Kaiser!" When Fubuki discovered Kaiser and Lily together in this place, she exclaimed in surprise and, furthermore, she began pointing at the two of them while saying:

"W-what are you two doing... doing something embarrassing like that in a public place..."



After hearing Fubuki had come in, it turned out that Kaiser and Lily were still determined to continue what they were doing, or rather, this was all because of Kaiser. Lily actually wanted to stop, but Kaiser just kept hugging her body and attacking her lips.

Finally, even after Fubuki caught them off guard, Kaiser was still able to put on his naughty smile, while Lily, whose mind was a bit hazy at the time, didn't realize that right now she was showing a lecherous expression to Fubuki.

Fubuki was at a loss for words, and all she could do was watch as Kaiser kissed Lily effortlessly and deftly. He did whatever he pleased with Lily's small body.

"mmmh...♡ Kaiser, your hands are pressing hard on my boobs... ahhh...♡ I can feel the tingling spreads throughout my entire body...♡"

When Fubuki saw Kaiser put his hands inside Lily's messy shirt and start fondling her boobs, both her ears and face turned a bright shade of red.

"Enough is enough!... stop it, Kaiser!...don't you know that Lily is underage? She's only 14!..."

"It seems you misunderstood Fubuki. This was all Lily's request, so it's not like I'm trying to force it or anything," Kaiser replied as he suddenly bit Lily's ear, causing her to moan very loudly.

What do you think, Lily? Do you like it? See, Fubuki, standing in front of you right now, is looking at you with envious eyes."

"auhh...♡ hahh... hahh...♡ yes... I can feel my body getting weak...♡ Fubuki-sama?... wait..."

Finally, Lily began to slowly wake up, and her eyes, which had been cloudy but were now showing signs of brightness as she began to realize what was going on here, she immediately tried to let go of Kaiser's hug, and Kaiser let her go so that Lily could return to Fubuki's side.

Lily repeatedly apologized to Fubuki as she was tidying up her appearance. Nevertheless, the only response she received was a cold snort from Fubuki before she turned around and left the room.

When Kaiser saw Lily rushing to follow Fubuki from behind, he just muttered something to himself before laughing and saying, "ahh, she's angry, but I'm surprised she didn't immediately throw a tantrum and use her power."


'ahh, stupid Lily, you idiot, what are you doing... how could you do that in front of Fubuki-sama!' I screamed to myself internally as my body became drenched in sweat unconsciously.

On the way to the car, Fubuki-sama didn't say anything, and I didn't know what to say either because, even after I apologized, Fubuki-sama just turned her back on me and ignored me completely.

I muttered to myself in surprise, 'What's wrong with me? Why do I feel satisfied and relieved now,' because, despite what had happened, a portion of me could find some measure of enjoyment.

'I can also vaguely remember how Fubuki-sama's face looked up at me in disbelief, her eyes also had an unusual shine.'

"If you don't want to come in, I will leave you."

I was startled awake by the icy voice of Fubuki-sama, who was waiting for me in the car. So, I hurriedly got into the car, and just as we were about to drive away, someone knocked on our car window.

My first thought was that they were Fubuki-sama fans who had somehow made it past the members of the Blizzard Group. Yet, I was taken aback when I realized that person was actually Kaiser.

"Um, Fubuki-sama?" I wanted to ask what they ought to do, but Fubuki-sama maintained her silence, leading to my own confusion. In the end, I lowered the windshield.

"Let me in. We have to talk," Kaiser said as he looked directly at Fubuki-sama.

There was a moment of silence until Fubuki-sama eventually broke the hush by saying, "Lily, you drive."

When I heard that, all I did was raise my eyebrows in a bit of surprise, but I didn't ask why. Instead, I went straight out and replaced the blizzard group member behind the steering wheel.

After everything was ready, I didn't want to make Fubuki-sama even angrier, so I immediately stepped on the gas and left that location without waiting to be told to do so.

I would occasionally glance in the rearview mirror to see what was going on in the backseat, and every time I did, I couldn't help but sigh when I saw Fubuki-sama and Kaiser sitting there in complete silence.

"Congratulations on the promotion," Kaiser tried to lighten the atmosphere, but Fubuki-sama ignored him and stared out the window.

'It looks like this trip will be very suffocating,' I thought, but without realizing it, a smile started to appear on my face.