umm, but before that…

I yelled, "Come on, Lily, you can do it," as I watched Lily deftly sidestep the blows being delivered by the enormous octopus-headed monster in front of her.

"Are you sure about this? She seems to be having a hard time," said Fubuki, who was standing beside me, and since then, she hasn't stopped worrying about Lily.

'Where is Saitama? He really ought to be here to put an end to this threat or maybe the rumors that are going around about it aren't true.'

Although I continued to watch Lily fight from earlier on, I also observed my surroundings to see if Saitama would be in this place. Yet, after thirty minutes had passed, I still hadn't found him or anyone else who could take care of this monster.

"Hey Kaiser are you listening? Aren't you worried about Lily?"

The fact that I had been ignoring Fubuki earlier caused her to become irritated. In fact, she had planned to leave to go help Lily, but I grabbed her hand before saying:

"Didn't you see how Lily wanted to chase you?"

"What do you mean?"

"After you go up to class A, of course Lily will feel very far behind, therefore she is afraid that she won't deserve to be beside you."

Fubuki's only response was to raise her eyebrows, after which she simply sighed and asked, "is she stupid? Why is she thinking about that non sense too much?"



"Roaarr... human! how long are you going to run, die quickly so I can slaughter your race..."

Much like most of the other monsters I've encountered, this monster from the ocean seemed to hold a deep grudge against humans and looked down on other kinds of creatures.

"You think I'll let you do it?.... hahh... here, attack again if you dare... I'll be the one to slaughter you!"


Lily narrowly avoided getting hit by the monster's punch a second time when it came her way. Lily ran up to the giant monster's hand without anyone else expecting it, and the moment she landed on his shoulder, she jumped up and banged her staff hard, which caused this monster to fall. Not only that, but Lily immediately jumped once more before sticking her staff into the monster's head, and the monster's brain was immediately stabbed until it came out through his head.

"That girl also has a dream to reach the top, you know, and I want to help her just like I helped you," I said with a big smile as I walked to Lily, leaving Fubuki, who was now silent.

"See, you can beat him."

Lily excitedly ran towards me. The sweat dripping from her forehead didn't hide her excitement as she smiled happily at me.

I just smiled before rubbing her head, but Lily suddenly hugged me unexpectedly and whispered: "It's all thanks to you. I knew I wouldn't be in any danger because you would save me, so I could fight freely."

"Darling, thank you so much for your support."

My eyes widened in an instant, and the only thing I could see was Lily, who seemed to be feeling embarrassed. But before I could say anything, she had already fled from me and was talking to Fubuki.

I just chuckled before I tried to forget about the incident earlier, and right now, I'm more curious about the giant monster's corpse lying in front of me, but when I just wanted to inspect it, a lot of locals had started to gather, and it seems that after they heard that the monster had been defeated, they wanted to look at the hero who did it.



Not long after, more and more camera flashes were directed at me, and when I turned to look at Fubuki and Lily, I saw that they were in an even worse situation. People had begun taking pictures from all sides, and when they realized that the person in front of them was Fubuki and Lily, their excitement level increased even further.


"I don't care anymore if they take my picture, but this crowded and noisy atmosphere is so suffocating," I muttered, a little annoyed, and after that, I hurriedly brought Lily and Fubuki back to the car.

"kyahh, Fubuki-sama, can I have your autograph."

"I'm a big fan of both of you, please let me shake hands with you."

"Lily, you were super cool. You saved all of us."

Even after we got back to the car, these people continued to follow us. Fortunately, Fubuki isn't the kind and humble type of person, so she doesn't really care about her fans. Lily, on the other hand, is a different story. She looks happy and overwhelmed when she drives the car and is afraid of crashing into people blocking the way.

I wanted to say, 'Just run over these people,' but I refrained and patiently let Lily make slow progress as our car pulled out of the crowd of fanatics. When we finally got out, Lily hurriedly stepped on the gas.


After the incident earlier, I came to know that the event about the Deep Sea King will arrive soon, and I'm sure that in the next few days, they will start to appear on the mainland, so before I parted ways with Fubuki and Lily, I ask them to keep watch and be careful about that, especially Fubuki.

After I whispered something to Fubuki, she looked surprised and asked, " How do you know about that?" My response was just a smile, and after that, I got out of the car.

"Wait, Kaiser," From the driver's seat, Lily looked like she wanted to say something, and judging by her rolling down the window, I somehow already knew what she was going to do next when she called me over.

"I hope you train to be stronger again, ok."

"umm, but before that…"


As I had anticipated, Lily suddenly kissed me, not on the cheek but on the lips. This caused Fubuki, who was looking from the backseat, to immediately pout, and it seemed that was Lily's goal because apart from being embarrassed, I could also see the satisfaction on her face.

"Goodbye, Kaiser."

Lily immediately stepped on the gas and left me alone by the side of the road. I then walked into a narrow alley before using my teleportation ability, and with a white light shining on my body, I vanished from that place and was already very close to my house.