Pretending to be part of the Blizzard Group turns out to have benefits too, huh

Another day, Kaiser got up early to go somewhere far away from city A, where he lived. He even didn't stop by the Blizzard Group headquarters. His battle suit's booster rocket continued to blast with great power, causing his figure to shoot up quickly, leaving a blurry shadow in the sky.

Many people were paying attention to him, so Kaiser didn't want to use his teleportation power too frequently for fear of becoming an enemy of the Hero Association.

"Pretending to be part of the Blizzard Group turns out to have benefits too, huh."

Kaiser didn't consider himself to be on anyone's team at first. He teamed up with Fubuki because he wanted to carry out the system's task of conquering her, but he realized how naive he was.

He felt very lucky that no one had noticed his decision to save Mosquito Girl until now, whether it was the Heroes Association or the House of Evolution where Mosquito Girl came from.

He couldn't imagine that the moment he was labeled as an enemy of mankind, the Hero Association would quickly issue an order to capture him, dead or alive, and that when that happened, Saitama, the strongest being, would knock on his door in no time.

Kaiser's body shuddered as he imagined it. This was also why he conducted experiments with Valkyrie. The girl was ideal for testing Saitama's human side and whether he would go so far as to kill a little girl.


When he looked down, a wide view of the city of Z could be seen as the rocket booster turned off, indicating that he had arrived at his destination. Kaiser's journey from city A to city Z became much shorter thanks to his upgraded battle suit. He was confident that he would not be late even if he left on a tight schedule.

Kaiser tried to observe the city more clearly with his battle suit's vision while hovering silently in the air. Many damaged buildings were left as they were, and some parts of the city appeared to be very quiet, with little human activity.

"It seems like the Hero Association is abandoning this city... but I'm not surprised, before they can eradicate the monsters that keep coming to this city, investors won't dare to put their money in anymore."

There were several humans seen walking around the city wearing unusual costumes. This was a rare occurrence, considering how dangerous city Z was, but judging by the direction they were going in the same direction, it seemed like there was something more.

Kaiser didn't stay long because, once he found the meeting spot, he took a sharp dive towards the city's outskirts, which were close to the forest.


Fubuki, who had just arrived with her group, did not get out of the car right away. One reason was the large number of people passing by her car. Another was that the person she was waiting for hadn't arrived yet.

"Be careful Lily, I don't want you to hit someone," Fubuki tried to maintain her image carefully as she rose through the ranks, and she hoped her subordinates would do the same.

Lily, who was driving, simply nodded her head. Her attention was currently focused on the road. With so many people passing by, it was difficult for their car to move, especially on the narrow country roads, forcing Lily to rely on her driving skills.

Fubuki is at ease with Lily driving because she already has a driver's license at her high school age, and Fubuki knows how hard Lily worked to obtain it.

Fubuki's face softened as she recalled a time when the Blizzard Group was still not what it is now. Everyone was looking for part-time work before we could buy a car as a result of our efforts.

When her cell phone suddenly vibrated, Lily's hand on the steering wheel jerked slightly in surprise. Luckily, the ringtone was turned off, or Fubuki would have noticed.

She was eager to open it and see who was calling because it could be an important call from someone important to her...

"Watch out, Lily!" Thanks to Fubuki's panicked scream, Lily could hit the brakes before their car collided with someone in front of them. Lily's heart almost stopped beating because she knew Fubuki would suffer the most if this happened.

"What's the matter with you? If you're not paying attention, I'd better come down here."

"Sorry, Fubuki-sama.... if they saw you now, this whole place would be even more crowded."

Lily focused her attention more after that minor incident and forgot about the call on her cell phone, which was now dead. Her current goal was to find a nearby parking spot.


When Kaiser realized Lily wasn't answering his calls, he quickly dialed another number. When someone picked up the phone this time, the person's cheerful voice could be heard from behind the phone.

"Kaiser! What's the big deal about suddenly calling me?"

"Don't tell me you forgot about the event in city Z today?" Kaiser could hear her awkward laughter, but she quickly reassured him everything was fine.

"I've finished exterminating the monsters in the next town, don't worry, I'll run there soon, you can wait for me."

Those were natural words for Mizuki to utter, and Kaiser was confident that she would consider it part of her training, but if she said she was going for a run, it sounded like she was in the next town.

"Don't be late or I will come to punish you myself."

"I know... then I'll see you there," even though Mizuki sounded scared, there was clearly impatience in her voice.


Kaiser then looked at the crowd around him, where many professional heroes were already filling this place. The number was not trivial when hundreds more could be seen.