you said you didn't know me (R-18)

When word of what happened in the forest near Z City reached the Hero Association, a commotion broke out among the higher-ups. Even though they eventually defeated the House of Evolution, they regretted the loss of many professional heroes.

On the surface, no one was talking about it, but on the sidelines, they were dissatisfied with Silver Fang's performance because he had made a major mistake as an S class who was supposed to oversee the event that day.

Many of Class C fell, followed by Class B, before one Class A was killed by Kabuto. Yes, fortunately, Golden Ball and Spring Mustachio, who were facing Mosquito Girl, were still alive, although almost all of the blood in their bodies had been sucked out when they were discovered.

"Are you sure it was the mosquito monster that killed most of the C and B-class professional heroes?" Busho, as a member of the Heroes Association staff assigned to lead the information-gathering team, blamed himself for what had occurred.

His eyes remained fixed on the large monitor before him as he continued to confirm the information his subordinates had gathered.

"According to the reports from the surviving professional heroes, they all said the same thing regarding the appearance of mosquito hordes in the forest."

"We also managed to get this photo from one of the CCTVs that the House of Evolution installed in the forest."

"Even though the mastermind behind all this is the House of Evolution, the involvement of this mosquito monster cannot be ignored."

There were several photos of Mosquito Girl on the monitor screen, as well as several seconds of footage of her brutal action of slaughtering professional heroes in various parts of the forest.

"How about the monster known as Kabuto? According to reports, this monster has strength that exceeds Class A. Is that true?"

"That's right, sir, in fact, one professional hero from class A who died was Kabuto's doing, but... I don't know what happened. The body of this monster was found dead on the other side of the forest mysteriously."

Busho could only stroke his chin as his mind worked hard to piece together the various pieces of information until the image on the monitor screen changed to Kabuto's dried corpse, and his eyes opened wide in shock.

"Don't tell me the mosquito monster also killed him? However, why did they attack each other?"

Busho was certain that Kabuto died at the hands of the Mosquito Monster, but he became dizzy as more questions arose in his mind.

"Sir?... Sir!...we received an important message from someone..." One of the employees attempted to call Busho several times, but he did not respond, and after raising her voice, her boss began to focus again.

"S-Sorry, what did you say?"

"We got an important message from Puri-Puri Prisoner. He wants to meet you in person to discuss Mosquito Girl. He said he has useful information about her."

"Mosquito Girl?" Busho appears perplexed at first, but it doesn't take long for him to connect the name to the mysterious mosquito monster they're investigating. With a solemn expression, he directed his men to arrange an immediate meeting with Puri Puri Prisoner.


Even though a week had passed, everyone was still talking about the Hero Association incident with the House of Evolution, which they dubbed the "bloody forest incident."

Despite the Heroes Association's best efforts, this information has leaked to the general public, who are even aware of the list of professional heroes who have died. However, there is an odd phenomenon occurring in all of this when people flock to register as professional heroes.

Their reasoning is simple: the Heroes Association offers more attractive salaries and benefits than before, and their advertising has recently been massively increased.

Fubuki is one of the tools they use, as well as the main reason why people still want to register as professional heroes. Many rumors say that the Heroes Association paid her fantastic prices to make people sign contracts to basically become slaves.

Meanwhile, in a hidden lab, without knowing the storm was headed his way, Kaiser was seen doing what he had been doing for the past week with Mosquito Girl. Occasionally, lewd moans would be heard, accompanied by curses.

"After a week has passed, you still haven't learned anything... don't tell me that after all the punishment I gave you, you've become a masochist now?"

"hahh...♡ hahh...♡ I learned to move my hips better... isn't that what perverts like you like... ahhh...♡ Kaiser, you bastard...♡" Mosquito Girl's moans became louder as Kaiser humped her from behind like a wild animal.

"Are you still mad at me?"

"Of course, you idiot... mmmh...♡ you think you can treat me as you please... arghh...♡ don't bite my ear...♡ ahhh!"

Even though the two of them were arguing with each other, it was only limited to the mouth because their lower bodies continued to move more vigorously. With every thrust Kaiser gave, more and more of Mosquito Girl's love juice was produced crazily.

Mosquito Girl was relieved. Kaiser couldn't see her face at the moment because she wasn't sure she could maintain her stance with a face showing lewdness. But she was really on the edge when he attacked not only her pussy but her breasts.

He didn't even stop teasing her ear before biting her nape as if he wanted to show that she was his alone.

"You don't know how surprised I was by your new transformation... don't blame me if I can't stop myself from sticking my dick into your fat pussy."

Kaiser was serious when he said that because he liked Mosquito Girl's current appearance rather than a half-insect monster, she was more suitable to be called the charming and seductive insect queen.

Therefore, apart from punishing and disciplining her during this week, he was actually feeling troubled when his lust didn't calm down.

"hmph... you said you didn't know me... what's wrong now?... mmmh...♡ I've always known that you were a scumbag who only lusted after my body...♡"