I know you want to do it with me wearing my school uniform (R-18)

I realized that persuading Fubuki to separate herself from my embrace would be hard, particularly after our intimate encounter. I decided to give her some space, allowing her alone for a while. It was then that I shifted my attention back to Lily.

She remained in the corner, her face contorted with many emotions. No matter how often I reached out to her, it was as if she existed in a separate realm, detached from the world around her. In a moment of necessity, I found myself compelled to raise my voice, and as if in response, her delicate body instinctively flinched. Yet, instantly, a glimmer of life returned to her eyes, illuminating them with a renewed sparkle.

"Just come here. How many times do you want to make me repeat that."

In the end, Lily cautiously approached, her footsteps filled with a weighty uncertainty. Yet, without hesitation, I reached out and firmly clasped her hand, forging an unbreakable connection. Her body was caught off guard, and she tumbled onto the bed in an instant. As she lifted her head, she found my face mere inches away from hers.

"Um… I didn't expect to find you guys like this, so I'm a little confused about what I should do. Sorry."

Contrary to her demeanor around others, Lily reverts back to her timid self whenever she's around me and Fubuki. It's this very aspect that keeps us relentlessly teasing her.

As I observed her, she avoided meeting my gaze, her eyes darting toward Fubuki, who remained nestled in my embrace. I knew exactly what was going through her mind. Perhaps my current course of action could be perceived as shameless in some way. However, if it proves effective in yielding the desired outcome, I am indifferent to any moral implications it may carry.

As my hand gently touched her delicate cheek, I sensed a tremor coursing through her body. Her cheeks flushed a rosy hue in an instant, mirroring the anticipation that danced within her gaze. At that moment, it was as if she had sensed the true nature of my desires, and without hesitation, she allowed our lips to meet in a tender embrace.

As I held Fubuki, her alluring figure pressed against me, I couldn't resist the overwhelming desire to share a fervent kiss with this innocent Lily.

My tongue yearned to entwine with hers, a fiery dance of desire. At that moment, our mouths overlapped with each other as Lily embraced her newfound audacity. Without a moment's hesitation, she enveloped me in her embrace, her arms encircling my neck as she drew herself nearer.

I could sense Fubuki's subtle shifts in posture, almost as if she had caught a glimpse of our secret activities. In the past, she would have undoubtedly intervened, swiftly putting an end to our connection. However, the Fubuki before us now seemed disinterested, nonchalantly shutting her eyes again.

As our lips reluctantly parted ways, a transformation overcame Lily's face. The melancholy that had once clouded her features vanished, replaced by a newfound radiance. Her face lit up with a radiant smile, captivating all who beheld it. There was an undeniable allure to her expression, particularly as desire began to stir within her. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to corrupt this innocent girl's mind again.

'system shows me her status points.'

- Lily -

> Trusts: [99]

> Affection: [99]

> Depravity: [99]

As my gaze fell upon that number, a surge of triumph coursed through my face. My persistent endeavors to coax Lily and Fubuki into revealing the depths of their relationship with me played a key role in bringing about this significant turn of events.

As my gaze fell upon Fubuki, the familiar status screen materialized before my eyes, revealing her most recent allocation of status points.

- Fubuki -

> Trusts: [88]

> Affection: [86]

> Depravity: [89]

"Can you take turns with your junior?" Despite my best efforts to speak softly, Fubuki responded with a dismissive snort. However, I sensed that her reaction was not one of annoyance, as she soon tried to rouse her weary limbs.

"Thank you," I whispered, my lips gently grazing Fubuki's forehead in a tender display of gratitude. As I extended my help, a wave of pleasure coursed through us both, a delightful tickling sensation as my dick was pulled out of her pussy.

Everything developed seamlessly, accompanied by the euphoric release of my semen within her pussy. Surprisingly, Fubuki chose not to leave immediately, opting instead to settle herself beside me. She persisted in displaying a clingy attitude towards me until the very end.

Every now and then, her eyes would flutter open, casting a piercing gaze towards Lily. However, the girl appeared unfazed, as her attention was solely fixated on my dick.

"Wait a minute, Kaiser, let me clean your dick."

Clad in her suit attire, Lily positioned herself intimately, nestled between my legs. With a tempting motion, she arched her ass, her lips parting to engulf my dick with fervor. I could sense her determination as she attempted to take my entire length into her mouth. However, recognizing her discomfort, I gently caressed her head and urged her to take her time. Remarkably, she displayed remarkable progress after that.

"hmph, does she think your dick is dirty after entering my pussy, what a naughty girl," Fubuki, who lay down beside me, remarked with a mischievous glint in her eye. But I could sense that she was thoroughly entertained by the spectacle unfolding before us.

"How do you say that? Look how excited she is...she's trying to get all your love juice left in my dick."

"Are you stupid," on Fubuki's cold face, a rosy hue painted her cheeks, betraying her embarrassment. To conceal her blush, she playfully pinched my cheeks and planted an impulsive kiss upon my lips.

The air was filled with the unmistakable sounds of moist perversion. As I indulged in the passionate blowjob of a determined young woman, her relentless efforts to please me were undeniable. Yet, it was impossible to ignore the allure of the mature woman beside me, her big breasts and seductive kisses vying for my attention.

Fubuki's once exclusive room, typically reserved as her personal sanctuary for work and living, now lay in disarray, consumed by a scene of debauchery. Whenever I arrive, it seems inevitable that we will eventually succumb to this twisted indulgence. And in this particular circumstance, Fubuki appears to have completely disregarded the pressing issue at hand.

The melodic symphony of tongues entwined, eagerly savoring every ounce of pleasure, harmonized with the rhythmic melody of Lily's lips, diligently savoring each droplet of precum that escaped from my dick. Without a moment's hesitation, she enveloped my testicles with her mouth while her hands skillfully caressed my shaft.

"Good Lily, I've reached the end... prepare yourself and take all my semen!" As a deep growl escaped my lips, my body reacted with an intense shudder, causing my member to twitch uncontrollably. Lily, her throat now filled with the thick, white semen, struggled to breathe amidst the overwhelming sensation.

Amidst the lingering allure of our shared moment, Fubuki, nestled beside me, emitted a passionate moan, drawing my attention to the fact that my hand had inadvertently clasped her breast tightly.

The room reverberated with the sound of our panting breaths, the collective rhythm of the three of us. Ever since we first began relying solely on the sunlight filtering through the glass, the atmosphere around us has taken on a rather dim and lackluster quality. Somehow, it fits flawlessly, as if it were meant to be. And the scorching energy we generate is more than sufficient to reignite our enthusiasm.

"I know you want to do it with me wearing my school uniform, but for now, you can put up with my formal suit, right?"

Suddenly, Lily found herself perched upon my lap, reminiscent of Fubuki's previous actions. With an air of eagerness, she proceeded to sensually glide her damp undergarments against my aroused dick. With a seductive flick of her tongue, Lily savored the remnants of semen on her lips. Eager and unrestrained, she skipped the formalities of removing her panties, instead playfully tugging them aside, inviting my erect dick to find its place within her pussy.