Her name is Lin Lin

I'm unsure if there are more participants in the tournament this time around, but the long-awaited announcement of the match order has finally been completed. As a result, we will be divided into two groups.

Both Group A and Group B will compete in a total of six matches. The teams that manage to make it through to the end will then move on to the final round. In the final, they will face off against the reigning champion from the opposing group.

"We'll be in separate groups… ahhh, this atmosphere is slowly driving me insane.

I couldn't help but smile as I watched Mizuki get swept up in the atmosphere of her very first tournament. Up until now, she has fearlessly battled monsters and embraced her true self, even in the presence of countless onlookers. However, this particular situation proves to be unlike any she has encountered before.

"Don't take this as a trivial matter because I expect you to meet me in the final."

Mizuki couldn't help but burst into laughter at my provocative words. She casually stretched and deliberately shifted her attention away from the audience. Instantly, my name resounded as the initial one to be summoned for Team A.

"I'll take the lead."

"Yeah, Don't worry about me. Go ahead and show off your martial arts prowess by defeating them all."

I brushed off Mizuki's teasing with a carefree smile and made my way up the stage. Due to its dome-like structure, the stadium allows only limited sunlight to filter through its few gaps. However, it is worth noting that lights boasting an impressive 3,000,000 lumens possess the capability to generate an artificial sun within the confines of this stadium.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please direct your attention to the right side, where we have the esteemed presence of a martial artist hailing from a renowned dojo. Have you heard of Silver Fang? He's an S-class hero, currently holding the impressive rank of 3. It was quite unexpected to see one of his students standing before us now."

"Allow me to present to you, Charanko!"

I couldn't help but stiffen my expression a little. I mean, who would have thought that my first opponent would be Charanko? Taking precautions, I scrutinized him with greater attention. Once I was convinced that he was not Saitama masquerading as someone else, a wave of relief washed over me, prompting a sigh to escape my lips.

At that moment, Charanko's gaze fell upon me. His hand pointed in my direction. "what are you doing here...I never anticipated your betrayal, revealing that you hail from a different dojo."

A few months back, Mizuki and I paid a visit to Silver Fang's dojo. It was there that we crossed paths with Saitama and Genos, who appeared to have fallen victim to the same old man.

Consequently, having already conveyed my lack of interest, I took a daring action when Mizuki and I engaged in a rather perverted encounter within their dojo restroom.

"I thought you were in the hospital by now."

"What do you mean?" As Charanko gazed at me with a confused face, a sudden recollection struck me. In the grand scheme of things, I couldn't help but recall the unfortunate fate that awaited him - a merciless thrashing at the hands of the formidable Garou. His presence in this place indicates that the incident either never occurred or is yet to occur.

"Never mind, let's kick things off."

At first, I wanted to have a little fun by fighting using my body directly, utilizing the refined capabilities of my recently evolved physique. However, the man standing before me failed to ignite even a fraction of my fighting spirit.

As soon as the host concluded my introduction and signaled, I swiftly lunged forward, unleashing a powerful kick aimed directly at Charanko's abdomen. The impact was so forceful that it propelled him through the air, causing him to soar across the arena until his body came to an abrupt halt, wedged into the wall.

"Huh… Surprisingly, the victor emerges from the fray, none other than Kaiser!"

Despite my match's shortness and lack of intensity, the audience erupted into wild cheers. The female spectators, in particular, transformed into passionate supporters, continuously shouting my name without pause.

As I bided my time before my upcoming match, my gaze fixated on group B, where the spotlight now belonged to Mizuki. As soon as the spectators recognized her, they erupted in a chorus of cheers, offering their unwavering support. This, in turn, irked her opponents, who found themselves increasingly vexed by the overwhelming display of encouragement.

"Her only tough opponent is that guy named Suiryu," I couldn't help but mutter to myself as I witnessed Mizuki's effortless victory over his opponent, her agile movements and powerful punch leaving no doubt in my mind.

In addition to Mizuki, there is another woman participating in this tournament. She is currently making her way up the ranks in Group A. When it comes to her strength, she's not exactly awe-inspiring. She's more or less on the same level as a B-class professional hero. However, when it came to comparing herself to Lily, Mizuki, and Genos, she fell far behind.

"However, she remains one of the heroines I must conquer."

"What are you talking about?" At that moment, Mizuki calmly appeared, bearing a refreshing bottle of chilled water. She settled down beside me, making herself comfortable.

Noticing my silence, Mizuki asked again, her voice tinged with resignation. "As I thought, you have another motive for taking part in this tournament... Is that girl your goal?"

I made it easy for Mizuki by telling her the truth about how I'm interested in fighting Suiryu and testing my strength in this tournament. I also confess there is a certain allure to this girl that I find myself unable to resist.

"Her name is Lin Lin, a renowned martial artist from what I've gathered… Interestingly enough, I've had the pleasure of crossing paths with her multiple times during my training sessions at the park. Does this information prove useful to you?"

"Umm, don't think about it too much, and just focus on your next match."

I am aware that eventually, the women in my surroundings will express their displeasure, just like Mizuki is doing at this moment. That is precisely why I am being cautious with Lily and Fubuki, as evident by the fact that they are currently getting along much better.

"The winner is Catman!" Similar to myself, the mysterious man swiftly overcame his opponent, executing precise strikes with minimal effort.

And so, Group A forges ahead to the next round, embarking on this new chapter with a resilient group of six individuals. Besides Catman and Lin Lin, I couldn't care less about the rest of the participants in my group.

Shortly after that, group B also had six people who had managed to survive. The host's enthusiasm was palpable as his booming voice reverberated through the stadium, announcing that the match would commence shortly.

"In contrast to the previous Super Fight, we have decided to up the ante and embark on a more daring endeavor this time around. Six participants from each group will ascend to the pinnacle of the arena together, where only two individuals will emerge as the sole survivors, securing their direct passage to the final round."