It snarled viciously baring its teeth at us sending shivers down our spine. Everyone shouted in unison fleeing about with no escape route. Some clawed at the wall trying to dig their way out. We were going to die. I was going to die too.

I started breathing heavily at the thought of coming so far.

"Through here there's a tunnel"

someone shouted and almost instantly everyone trouped into the tunnel hole. Making eye contact with the beast I ran with them pushing my way through the crowd to go further in and not be left behind.

The screams mixed bone crushing pain erupted behind. I don't dare look back but fought my way out. Outside the tunnel, I managed to not get trampled on trying to flee the safe house. We all ran in unison towards the thick forest. Some transformed in mid-air gaining pace.

A thunderous growl was heard behind us. Some stopped to take a peek. I happened to be part of the curious fellows, the tunnel hole we had just passed from fell on the ground into broken rubble on the floor. Dust covered the air making it hard to see what was there. Bright blue eyes shined at us, in one leap it came running after us into the forest.

"It's coming, keep running" everyone shouted. Children who had yet to transform were carried on the backs of adult wolves. Grasping onto their fur tightly as they ran ahead. I was losing pace and it drew nearer to where I was. I was a late bloomer yet to change my form.

I pushed my thighs to gain speed but felt at loss. When I grew more tired with every step. The village was near another pack, they were larger in group and had more able enforcers to protect them. We all headed in that direction. I had doubts I would make it before it caught up to me. It gained up to me, grabbing anyone who was behind and crunching them under its jaws. Then spewing them out before going for another. I could feel hot tears fall down my cheeks as I pushed my aching limb further away from it. I just need to get to the next town for safety just like everyone else.

My eyes widen in realization as I ran. What if I went out of line it seemed to be going after all of us. But the chances it was them that sent it. Only one way to find out. While everyone ran straight I cornered to my right into the forest going off trial with everyone. I looked back checking if anyone had followed me in a panic but I was alone. I stumbled on a rock tumbling face flat to the ground. I grabbed my bleeding foot in pain, my wretched boots had been torn open. I coughed, out of breadth and breathed heavily.

I needed to keep moving. I stood up strolling deeper into the unknown forest, moving to keep my distance away from them. The gushing sound of the river flowing nearby, relief filled my chest as I dragged my aching body to where I heard the water, tired and drained I sat down near the river washing over the dried blood in my foot, drinking a few handfuls of water into my mouth. I couldn't hold back then that wrapped my lips as the wet liquid seeped into my parched throat. Wiping my lips after drinking my fill. The hair on my back reached its end as I felt something creeping up behind me. Snap Like an alert deer, my head shot up in fear. I looked around searching my surrounding areas. I was distracted by the sheer joy of making it out alive however I had just thrown myself into deeper waters.

"Whose's there," I asked but no one responded. The silence made the sound of my beating heart beat fast in my ears.

I stood up trying not limp as much as possible showing no weakness was the number rule out in the forest. You don't know what might be lurking about. After another minute of silence. I moved from my spot slowly backing away from where I must have heard the sound. Then I saw it slowly creeping out from the cover of the bushes. It was another black wolf not as big as the other but still intimidating. It stalked my every move, growling at the slightest withdrawal.

I trembled once again, the fear that I may die here dawning on me. It lunged at me, scaring me back into the river. I fell into the flowing river, thrashing about for air as it carried me away with the currents. I struggled for a while getting weak as the water pushed its way forcefully into my lungs. I could another raging sound just farther ahead of the river.

A waterfall, I fought against the current pushing myself against it with all my might however soon gave up from my weakened limbs. I let myself flow with the current closing my eyes.

Unknown character

I watched her body flow down the current limp and not moving. I felt another presence behind me, Another one of my brothers came up behind me, he changed to his human form.

"Will she die from that?" he asked, with a frustrated growl. "It is possible" I wasn't sure she had better be.

"Check for her body in the case and report back to the lord" we watched her fall through a cliff yet she still managed to survive. We shouldn't take our chances.

"What's the situation with the others"

"Hunting down the remaining villagers, however, some made it into the pack borders we couldn't continue further pursue" he stated "anyone who has come in contact with the cursed one should die, it is our mission to make sure of that"

I kept my eyes on where her body had fallen over the fall. The cursed one is no more. Now we can finally go home. He walked away from the scene.
