
"What the hell is going on here" Julia screamed at everyone wrestling one another to take a red pill from the floor. Tables had been knocked over in the fight.


The girl in my arms coughed, her eyes fluttering open to look at me with a mixture of confusion and surprise.

"Are you okay?" I asked sympathetically next to her.

She nodded nervously while I helped her up to her feet. Julia's eyes twitched at the corner.

It looked like any moment she would explode right there and then.

"You! and you! to my office, now!" She pointed at me and Micheal. Then she turned to glare at everyone.

"Step away from the red pill and If you have any of it. Give it up now" she shouted, throwing them a death glare. None of them wanted to agitate her any further so they submitted the pills one by one to one of the attendants standing next to her.

In her office,