Eighty eight

The room fell silent. Everyone glanced, between one another but mostly their gaze holds on me.

Some minutes earlier,

"Do you feel anything weird," Julia said to the girl. We found out her name happened to be Sylvia.

She finished examining her. Slyvia jumped down from the bed. A slight smile was directed at me.

"Is she okay?" I asked in a worried tone. It took a second before Julia responded. She turned abruptly towards me. her lips pressed into a thin line.

"I still think this is a stupid idea. But we already came this far she still has the early symptoms of the plague. We only hope for the worst."

"the worst? Shouldnt we hope for the best." I looked baffled by her claim.

"you don't really care about everyone but yourself unless you would have put the pack first" she lamented.

"we can't just abandon her. " I complained.

"we can't take her in either. " she retorted.