The next morning at Raven's pack,

Greyson was found decapitated limb from limb blood splattered on the walls of the room. You'd expect like every other pack who lost an alpha for them to mourn the loss of a leader instead it was a feast to celebrate. The pack members danced on his grave after he had been buried. A tragic death they had said to one another, but it stopped there.

They robbed the pack house of its storage and food anything worth selling off, to get the next meal. They had all been starving under his rule. He never once catered for the needs of the pack since he took the seat as alpha after his father and his elder brother who was next in line died mysteriously. The title he had inherited after their deaths wasn't enough satisfaction for him. He wanted to gobble the next higher power he could lay his hands on, leaving them to suffer starvation and death.