Lenora stood over the drawer, looking at her reflection in the mirror. She gazed back at herself. She ran a line down her cheeks to her neck. All the while watching, she smiled as if practicing a genuine look at herself. It felt wrong, so she would adjust it. But the more she did, the more her disgust at looking at her reflection grew. Her hands grasped the comb lying idly on the top surface, and she stabbed its ends into the glass. It cracked upon impact, and she looked at the many broken reflections staring at her. Her nose flared, and she dragged every item in the drawer over to the ground, letting out a scream in agony. She smashed as she threw about anything she could get her hands on. 

Minutes passed, and she sat curled on the floor. her hands crossed over her knee. She rocked back and forth, muttering inaudible words to herself. Her maid entered; no words were said, just a subtle glance just before she dropped the tray on the table.