190 Years

Skagos, The North; FIfth moon of 280 AC

For those who have never read my first fic, Game of Thornes Dovahkiin, This fic is an AU from my first story. The only difference is that Ragnar had only one wish initially, which he chose to become his Dragonborn character. That doesn't mean he will be weak; Ragnar is just as strong as ( physically) a Dragon. He can lift about 25 tons easily and double that with extreme difficulty.

Ragnar POV

Ragnar Dovahkiin walked through the roads of Winterhold with Dacey and Lynara; the one-year-old giggled as her father made funny faces for her. Dacey had an easy smile as she observed her 7'2 husband dote on their daughter; Ragnar was a formidable warrior and the greatest magician the world had ever seen, probably the most dangerous thing alive, yet he was just like any father; he would sit and play with his daughter and cue at her as much as he could. Benjen wasn't with them as customary as Ragnar had sent him to Karhold to secure the next batch of lumber.

As he walked with Dacey and Lyanna, Ragnar observed his subjects as they went on with their affairs and day. The freed slaves from Lys were slowly but surely adapting to Skagos; most of them were women, and most of them began working in the glass and drink factories, which required less brute strength and more finesse. The men mostly went work on the fishing/whaling ships, something Ragnar approved as there was always a need for more fishermen.

The drinking factories and glass factories were bringing an untold amount of gold to House Dovahkiin's coffers; Ragnar was sure he was the wealthiest person in Westeros by now; his trade routes were exquisite, and his industries were unique to the world, something he took advantage of as the monopoly of transparent/colored glass in Westeros was his, as well as the monopoly of alcoholic beverages such as the Brandies, and the new drink made from potatoes called Vodka.

House Dovahkiin didn't spend 1/20 of the coin it made as it didn't need to buy food from outside; the only thing Skagos imported was lumber, something extremely cheap if compared to all good House Dovahkiin sold.

As they reached their destination, the majestic castle, Frostfall, as Ragnar and Dacey walked in, the guards positioned at the Castle's door saluted them. Ragnar was ready to hold court for the day but was interrupted by a servant, who bowed before saying.

" My Lord, Maester Marwyn requested me to give you this message." The little servant offered a small scroll to Ragnar, who took it and smiled at the servant, who left as soon as she appeared.

" Ah, the census I ordered Marwyn to make is ready. He asks us to meet him as soon as possible." Ragnar said

" That is good. Let us meet him then?" Dacey said, and Ragnar nodded, aye.

Dacey and Ragnar, still carrying Lynara, walked to the Maester Tower, whose doors were guarded by two guards; as soon as they saw Ragnar and Dacey, they saluted them. Ragnar saluted them back and knocked on the door before walking in.

Maester Marwyn was reading a scroll as he wrote things in a book when he saw Ragnar and Dacey. The Maester bowed

" My Lord, I have completed the census you ordered me to conduct. You will be happy to know that Winterhold is now the third biggest city in Westeros, soon to be the second." Marwyn said as he handed Ragnar a scroll he took from his robes.

" 340.000 people. 220.000 Northerners or Skagossi; 70.000 of Lysnesse origin, 40.000 Former slaves from eastern essos; 10.000 of Ibbenease origins, 1054 giants but 6031 of them are children in Winterhold alone. 600.000 in total living in Skagos, 40.000 in Kingshouse port, 90.000 living in House Crowl lands, and 70.000 in House Stane lands… 60.000 living in Skane, House Seasworth's lands. " Ragnar read out loud, " 70% working in our industries and 30% are merchants or sailors with their ships. That is pretty good. There are less than 600 jobless people, no homeless children, and 3000 orphans in orphanages, all of them in school." Ragnar said as he kept reading, " 400 whalers ships, 300 warships with magic cannons, 500 merchant ships, which makes us the third largest fleet in Westeros; but the most deadly. 110.000 Oxen, 400.000 sheep, 700.000 Unicorns, and 3.000 Mammoths, although 2000 of those are calves." Ragnar said as he whistled at the number of unicorns, it wasn't exactly unexpected as Ragnar had put an animal fertility ward around Skagos that made the animal reproduce ten times more than naturally, and the unicorns were the ones living under the ward the longest they were the most populous ones.

" Those are incredible numbers… it seems my husband is a gifted administrator. How do we feed all that cattle?" Dacey asked.

" I've spelled our soil… the magic makes the grass grow ten times faster than naturally. It also works for the harvest." Ragnar said, and Dacey nodded; Marwyn looked like those words had come from a god, which wasn't that far from the truth.

" Will this spell of your last?" Dacey asked

"Aye… I made the wards self-sufficient. They will last forever or until Skagos sinks into the ocean… whichever comes first," Ragnar said, and Dacey nodded.

Ragnar and Dacey talked to Marwyn about Winterhold and Skagos in general; they gathered ideas and discussed them; it all lasted one hour, after which, Lynara had grown bored and began crying, which made Ragnar and Dacey end their meeting with Marwyn.

Time skip night

Ragnar was looking at the mountains through the window of his chambers; Dacey slept in their bed, completely tired from their nightly activities, Lynara slept in her soundproof cradle by Ragnar and Dacey's bed; Midstinul and Snowstorm flew high in the Sky in a majestic dance of dragons when he felt something weird on top of the castle.

" A Dragon Break," Ragnar said as he quickly summoned The Elder Scroll (Dragon) and opened it. The moment he did that, his vision darkened before going blue, and Ragnar felt all of Skagos shake violently for minutes; as soon as it came, the tremor stopped, and Ragnar's eyes went blue before darkening and then returned to normal. When Ragnar looked at the Sky again, it was day, and Midstinul and Snowstorm were preached at a mountain top.

" What the fuck is going on, Ragnar? What happened?" Dacey said hushedly as she had a sudden wake-up.

" Ouch… I… I don't know." Ragnar said, and before he could say anything, Midstinul flew from the mountain he was to the castle; his head was at the same level as Ragnar's chambers window

" Thuri… what have you done? We have been transported through time! I felt it as you did!" Midstinul said in dragon tongue, and Ragnar had to stop for a minute to understand what Midstinul was saying; after a few minutes, he nodded as it was true, he FELT he was in the past, or more precisely, he felt the change in time.

" I can feel it… Children of the god of time and all that! Fucking Elder Scroll!!!" Ragnar said in the common tongue

" What happend Ragnar!" Dacey demanded

" We have been transported through time, my love. We are currently 190 years in the past… It was an accident, a Dragon break, which is an event of sorts just happened, and I foolishly opened an Elder scroll; I thought it was a message from the gods," Ragnar said, and Dacey looked at him as if he was crazy

" My thuri tells you the truth… joor. A Dragon Break is an event rarely seen, and it's connected to the father, Akastosh, and the god of time… the Kel… Elder Scroll is gone, is it not?" Midstinul asked, and Ragnar looked around, looking for the Elder Scroll, which had vanished.

" It's gone," Ragnar said

" Then it's back to where it belongs; a Kel is a mysterious thing; they were already there when Padomey and Anu appeared; it seems it was an accident… no god could have the power to do such a thing…." Midstinul said, and Ragnar nodded.

" So… we are currently in mid-90 AC… King Jaehaerys is alive, and the Realm is prospering… We can meet King Jaehareys! We can meet Cregan Stark!!! By the old gods, that is amazing!" Decay said, and Ragnar nodded

" It seems I have work to do… old trade routes must be reopened! Our people can't starve… I also have to talk to the current Lord Stark! Damn it!!" Ragnar said

(Time Skip one year and a half)

Winterhold, Skagos, The North, first moon of 92 AC

Ragnar Dovahkiin's last year had been a difficult one, a rushed one. Ragnar had to go to Ibben to draft a trade agreement with them. Ragnar already had the whalers-ships, so instead of whaler ships, he asked for cogs and merchant ships. The Ibbenease were happy; they gave up their monopoly on the whale trade plus a good amount of ships but got the glass trade and the opportunity to spite Myr… just like the original trade agreement. Skagos would trade drinks, high-quality fur, cloth clothes, and Iron (from the House Stane Lands) with Ibben. Ragnar then went to Braavos and closed a similar trade agreement; the only difference was that Braavos would act as a middleman in all glass trade between Skagos and the rest of the seven kingdoms except for the north for five years.

Ragnar traded the Glass secret with Ibben so that they would be the focus of Myr's attention like they were last time. Having Braavos as a middle would keep the glass trading going instead of having it stop just and wait for the Ibbenese to start theirs.

The Citizens of Skagos didn't remember the dates; for them, they had always been in 90 AC, although they didn't know the King's name or anything else. They knew the ruling family was House Targaryen and House Dovahkiin was House Stark's bannerman. The nobles in The College of Winterhold had forgotten about their identity, but then Ragnar played it out as an experiment gone wrong; now, they were just magically talented individuals studying to be mages under House Dovahkiin. Ragnar had also changed his House's colors to Black and silver to avoid someone mistaking the Targaryen Dragons for his.

Ragnar and Dacey were getting their Household ready to depart for Winterfell so Ragnar could swear to House Stark once again as an oath was an oath; they would go riding their dragons; Ragnar had no intention of hiding Midstinul this time; Ragnar would only make him pass as another Ice Dragon. Their Household would go first to prepare House Stark for their arrival.

Winterfell, The North, First Moon of 92 AC

Lord Benjen Stark was a large man; like all Starks, he had dark brown hair, grey eyes, and a long face. He was considered by many a handsome man and had been the Lord of Winterfell for over ten years, and never in his wildest dreams would he have imagined getting a Raven from Skagos, informing him that the new high-lord and lady of Skagos would be arriving at Winterfell in a moon's turn to swear their loyalties as the law demanded.

Skagos was a sore subject for the North; Theon The Hungry wolf, conquered Skagos but the Skagossi only bent the knee after negotiations, which stated that Skagos could choose their rulers just like the Ironborn used to do. Skagos was and wasn't part of the north at the same time, but now it would change.

Benjen and his Household were waiting at the gates of Winterfell; the scouts had reported the Skagossi party was approaching; after a few minutes of waiting, Benjen finally saw them, and once he did, it took almost all of him not to gape at the skagossi party. The skagossi party consisted of 20 soldiers mounted in big goats with horns from the middle of their foreheads. Still, the thing that got everyone dumbfounded was two mammoths being ridden by giants. The giants wore armor, and if their position meant something, they were guards. There were three people leading the party; Benjen guessed they were the skagossi lords, but if that was so, then they were missing one person, for there were four banners, two of which Benjen recognized, Houses Crowl and Stane. As the skagossi rode into Winterfell, Benjen couldn't help but feel nervous; the giants dismounted their mammoths and waited to see the developments. The soldiers also dismounted and, like the giants, waited. The three lord's dismounted last, and as soon as their feet touched the ground, they knelt.

" Welcome to Winterfell, my lords. I offer you salt and bread." Benjen said

" Thank You, Lord Stark. I'm Lord Davos Seasworth, Lord of Skane. This is Lord Torren Crowl and Lord Mors Stane; we are House Dovahkiin's bannerman.We accept the guest's rights." Lord Seasworth said as he and the other lords stood up to get the bread and salt.

" Is Lord Dovahkiin the high lord of Skagos, My Lord? If so, where is he?" Benjen Stark said, and Lord Seasworth nodded

"Aye. Lord Dovahkiin is the High-lord of Skagos; he and his wife will arrive shortly on their Ice Dragons." Lord Seasworth said, and the whole of Winterfell went silent.

" Ice Dragons?" Benjen said, and as if on cue, two roars were heard, and from the sky, two massive dragons descended, both way bigger than Vermithor, The King's Dragon. The Dragons landed outside the walls of Winterfell, but Benjen could see them through Winterfell's gates. Two figures dismounted the Dragons, a woman from the biggest Dragon and the biggest man he had ever seen, from the "less big" one. The man was holding a child, who was apparently sleeping.

The two figures walked inside Winterfell; the man exchanged looks with Benjen and said

" House Dovahkiin is here to reaffirm Skagos loyalty to Winterfell. I'm here to swear my allegiance to House Stark as the law of gods and men demands! " Lord Dovahkiin said, and Benjen took a few seconds to answer.

" Welcome to Winterfell, Lord Dovahkiin. House Stark shall accept your oath of fealty." Benjen said

and Lord Dovahkiin nodded before he knelt

" To Winterfell and House Stark, I pledge the faith of House Dovahkiin and Skagos. Hearth and heart and harvest, we yield up to you, my lord. Skagos swords and spears and arrows are yours to command. Be honorable to our people, grant help to our helpless, and Justice to all, and House Dovahkiin and Skagos shall forever be loyal. I swear it by the Old Gods and New; I swear it by earth and water; I swear it by bronze and iron. I swear it by ice and fire." Lord Dovahkiin said, Benjen didn't know why but he believed in every world and as such, he replied.

"And In the mane of House Stark and my descendants; I vow that you shall always have a place by our hearth, and meat and mead at our table. And I pledge we shall ask no service of you that might bring you dishonor. I swear it by the Old Gods and the New. I swear it by earth and water; I swear it by bronze and Iron; I swear it by Ice and fire," Benjen Stark said as he bid Lord Dovahkiin rise.


A/N: Here's my new fanfic guys! Don't worry about the other one, it's not dropped!

Ragnar bent the knee to House Stark once again, this time it was for practicality and in Honor of Benjen (Ragnar's foster son). Ragnar doesn't want to be King so swearing to the only good house in Westeros is the best option… don't cry about it hajas it's not gonna change things. Also, Ragnar now is a little less op, but still op af.

Thank you for your support!!!