Suspicious Grey Man

Kingslanding; Crownlands; third Moon of 98 AC

King Jaehaerys POV

Jaehaerys Targaryen was a good king, or so people liked to call him as such. From the highest Lord Paramount and Warden to the lowest of smallfolk, everyone would agree that Jaehaerys Targaryen was an excellent king and the better one in recent memory. The Crown's policies under Jaehaerys rule prospered the realm and gave a unified face and sense of existence to the previously culturally undivided Seven Kingdoms. The Seven Kingdoms now knew one unified code of law, one unified code of taxation enforced by one King. Jaehaerys had finalized what Aegon had started, and now all his successors had to do was to keep the peace and manage the realm.

As Jaehaerys walked towards the Iron Throne, his wife of more than 50 years by his side as she had always been, and his loyal hand following behind, he couldn't help but smile at the colorful walls of the Red Keep, once called Aegonfort. Today would be the day Jaehaerys would announce a tourney to celebrate the 50th year of his ruling, something any King would be proud to celebrate, especially with the treasury in excellent estate and the realm prospering with trade.

" Happy, kingly husband?" Alyssane asked jokingly

" Always have been, for I always had you by my side, my queenly wife," Jaehaerys answered

" Flatterer!" Alyssane said with a slight blush on her face, which astonished Jaehaerys as even after more than 50 years of marriage, he still could make her blush like a maiden.

" Only for you, my queen," Jaehaerys answered

As they got to the Throne room/ great hall's door, Jaehaerys saw two guards waiting at the entrance; they saluted him, Alyssane, and Septon Barth and quickly opened the door.

" Announcing King Jaehaerys of House Targaryen, First of His name, King of the Andals, Rhoynar and First men, Protector of Realm and rider of Vermirthor; Queen Alyssane of House Targaryen rider of Silverwing; and Septon Barth the Lord Hand of The King." The herald said with a powerful voice as Jaehaerys, Alyssane, and Barth entered the Throne room. Alyssane and Barth walked with Jaehaerys until the first step of the Iron Throne; Alyssane kissed Jaehaerys and walked to the small chair reserved for the Queen consort; Barth walked to a small chair reserved for the Hand of The King, and Jaehaerys walked the steps up to the Iron Thorne, Once Jaehaerys sat everyone else followed suit.

" Let us begin today's court session… by the end of it; I'll have an announcement to make," Jaehaerys said, and the nobles whispered among themselves; Jaehaerys turned to Barth and nodded.

" Lord Brune of Brownhallow petitions against House Blount about land theft and claims…." The first petitioner began, and Jaehaerys listened carefully; the petitioners came and went as they did daily; border issues and other petty problems filled the early hours of the King's day, but Barth and Jaehaerys tried and successfully dealt with them with efficiency and fairness, taking under consideration several factors.

As Jaehareys listened to the last petitioner, a beautiful snowy owl entered the Great Hall and flew toward the Iron Throne, landing on a sword hilt. Jaehaerys looked curiously at the snowy owl as the whole hall went quiet; the owl had a scroll in its paw, and after a few seconds of getting itself comfortable on its "perch," the owl offered the letter to Jaehaerys, who raised an eyebrow at the Owl and grabbed the offered letter.

As Jaehaerys read the letter sent by Lord Stark, of all people, his brow furrowed, and he let out a deep sigh and immediately began contemplating the possible consequences of the north's latest action.

" Your Grace…? Is there a problem?" Barth asked but was ignored by the now profoundly concentrated King.

" My love?" Queen Alyssane said a bit loudly, which apparently worked, as Jaehaerys looked at her " Is there a problem? What is this letter about?" Alyssane asked, concern marred her still beautiful face, and Jaehaerys thought for a moment if he should say something about the letter, but in the end, he chose to share its contents as it would soon become known to all, and there was nothing one could do about this whole situation.

" The letter is from Lord Stark… he congratulates us for 50 years of prosperous rule, reaffirms the North's loyalty to the crown… and informs me that he banished all Maester from the North and that any Maester that tries to set foot in the North again without The Crown's command or a Northern Lord request will be met with hostility," Jaehaerys said loudly enough for everyone in the Great Hall to listen

" What? That is preposterous! Why would these savages do that?" The stunned Grand Maester asked after a few seconds

" Refrain from calling my subjects savages, will you, Grand Maester? Perhaps the Citadel should send you on tour throughout the North to help you understand why someone who advises the King should be mindful of his opinions about a people that holds half of my realm in my name." Jaehaerys said dangerously, which made the Grand Maester go quiet.

" Your Grace, did Lord Stark say why he banished the Maesters from The North? Did all the Northern lords follow Lord Stark's orders?" Barth asked, and Jaehaerys nodded

" Lord Stark is under the impression the Maesters are some kind of spies, that most of them do not stick to their oaths and constantly report to the Citadel and ask for orders of how to proceed from the order as well. Lord Stark said that The Maesters were substituted by Mages trained by Lord Dovahkiin himself, mages capable of healing magic and with a knowledge field bigger, deeper, and more "reliable" than that of the Maesters. Lord Stark says the North will use owls instead of ravens and that the Owls will deliver the message directly to the Lord/King it was addressed to as opposed to the Maester of said Lord/King's castle." Jaehaerys said calmly and thanked the gods for Lord Stark's words, as neither he nor Alyssane believed in the Maesters so-called "neutrality and loyalty to a castle.". Jaehaerys then looked at Barth and gave him a stern look

" All the Northern houses followed Lord Stark's order… even House Bolton…." Jaehaerys said

Once again, the murmurs broke loose in the Great Hall, but this time, Jaehareys let them run wild before he told them to stop; the more people discussed the Maesters' loyalty, the better.

" Your Grace, that is unprecedented! Substitute the trusted Maester with witches? I fear for the well-being of the North! Witchcraft is a sin in the eyes of the seven! Your grace should not allow such a heresy to take place in your kingdom." The Grand Maester said, and Jaehaerys gave him a pointed look

" Do not use faith as an excuse to make up for your order inefficiency. Lord Stark's letter was extremely informative; Grand Maester. The mages had been part of every northern lord's court for a whole year; in that year, all noble births in the north were conducted by the mages. Do you want to know how many children and women died from childbirth in the north this year? Better yet, do you want to know how many noble children died this year from diseases in The North?" Jaehaerys said calmly, and the Grandmaester looked like a sheep seeing a hungry dragon

" How many, my love?" Alyssane asked, her face as unreadable as a Ghiscari book

" No death by childbirth or disease. The only casualties of noble blood in the North were due to banditry or accidents. The mages are impressive in their work." Jaehaerys said, and Alyssane nodded silently, her whole demeanor changing from a powerful Queen to a mournful mother who had just learned that people that could've saved her dead children were now waking around saving other children. Jaehaerys saw that and quickly stood up on the Iron Throne.

" Let us discuss the North later, if at all. Now I have an announcement to make. In four moons House Targaryen will host a tourney celebrating 50 years of my rule. Everyone in the Realm is invited to participate, from the lowest hedge knights to the highest of Lords. Here in Kingslanding! Ravens will be sent informing everyone in the realm about this tournament. Knights, be prepared to show your skill, for it will be tested." Jaehaerys said, and the nobles cheered. "You're all dismissed," Jaehaerys said as he began descending the Iron Throne's stairs in the direction of his wife. The Grand Maester tried to say something, but Jaehaerys interrupted him before he could say something.

" I will not do something about this, Grand Maester; your words will fall on deaf ears, but before my ears go deaf, your body will go headless. I have no intention of repeating myself; your transgressions have piled up lately. Your carelessness when speaking about faith and throwing it against the North might have caused a rift between the North and the Crown, especially if the Faith decides to act on it. Should the faith attack the North, the consequences will be irreparable! Should I thank the gods this is against House Stark, a house that, in the last 2.000 years of recorded story, never broke an oath? Or should I put your head on a spike for putting such vassals of mine in jeopardy? You better send a raven to your collages at the Citadel; should the faith start a war, your head will be the first to roll!" Jaehaerys said, his voice as dangerous as a Dragon, as cold as ice, and his eyes burned like fire. He extended his arm, and the Owl that was calmly perched on a sword hilt in the Iron Thorne flew to his extended arm and perched there.

" I want someone to bring me salty boar belly meat; my new Owl apparently enjoys it, and it will make an arduous trip to Winterfell to deliver an important message. Barth, contact House Blackwood; tell them I require one of them in my court. It's about time we get some enlightenment about the Old faith and its customs." Jaehaerys began delegating. " Ser Redwyne, go get Baelon and Gael… only those two, no Viserys or Daemon just yet," Jaehaerys said to Ser Redwyne, who nodded and went to do Jaehaerys bidding

" Come, my love. Let us discuss this… only us and our children." Jaehaerys said, and Alyssane nodded before she walked to Jaehaerys and rested her head on his chest.

" I do not want to be bothered today, so I will not be bothered today; I shall retire from my duties early today. The Lord Hand will take care of today's affair and shall take my place on the small council." Jaehaerys said loudly as he began walking with Alyssane toward their chambers.

High Tide; Driftmark; third moon of 98 AC

Corlys Velaryon POV

Corlys Velaryon stood by his wife's side as they both observed the comings and goings of Spicetown; the Northern, Pentossi, Valentine, and Lyseni ships docked and put to sea in a breakneck pace, bringing wealth and prosperity to House Velaryon and the realm in general. Meleys, or Lady Meleys as his beautiful wife demanded her dragon to be called, flew over Driftmark warning everyone that challenging the Old, the true, and the brave would result in fire and blood, something Corlys couldn't be more proud of.

A Sea breeze hit Corlys' face and brought back memories of his adventures around the seas, of the hot but mysterious waters of the jade sea, the cold and unforgiving waters of the Shivering sea, and all the oceans in between, and made the legendary Lord of the Tides smile nostalgically, something his wife quickly picked up

" Miss the waters, my love?" Rhaenys asked, and Corlys nodded

" The Sea calls to a Velaryon as the Skies calls for a Targaryen… no day goes by without the sea tempting me to go back," Corlys said, and Rhaenys chuckled

" And What is in your way? What anchors your here?" Rhaenys asked, and Corlys smiled as he smacked her on the butt affectionately

" The most beautiful woman in the World… and our beautiful children. The Sea calls me, but my answer will always be no… that is, until Laenor is able to rule the tides. Would you follow me, wife? To the green waters of Yi-Ti or even beyond?" Corlys asked

" When the time comes? Yes. Flying on Meleys as you seal your Ship… bathing in the skies as you bathe in the sea. The prospect is exciting, Lord Husband, I'm not going to lie." Rhaenys jocked and Corlys laughed

" Yes… interesting indeed." Corlys said

The couple's conversation was stopped by a messenger who arrived almost breathless

" Urgent information about the North, my Lord, and Princess" the man said between breaths

" About the North? What happened, good man?" Corlys asked

" The North… exiled all the Maesters. Every single Northern Lord sent their Maester back to Oldtown and prohibited them from ever going back… unless the King overrules House Stark's order." The man said, and Corlys' eyes went wide, as did Rhaenys.

" So Father wasn't the only one mistrustful of the Maesters… but unlike Father, the Northerners didn't play the game; they simply cast them out." Corlys heard Rhaenys murmur

" How will the Northerners rule their lands without a Maester? Who will teach their children? Who will tend to their ravens?" Corlys asked, not expecting an answer from the messenger

" Lord Dovahkiin provided the North with mages; according to the King, they will do everything the Maesters used to, except sending messages." The man answered, and Corlys' head snapped in his direction

" Mages? As in witches? Sorcerers?" Corlys asked, and the man nodded

" Yes, m'lord. I've heard a rumor in Kingslanding… a jest most likely… the rumor goes that The Grand Maester offended Lord Dovahkiin, and as a response, the Lord transformed the Old Maester into a Goat, the Lord hand had to beg the Northern Lord to undo his spell, in the end, he did." The man said, and Corlys scowled as he waved the man off.

" Rumors… that's all," Corlys said, but Rhaenys didn't seem as septic as him

" He does have Ice Dragons and found a way to bind them to his bloodline… there might be some truth to his claims." Rhaenys said, and Corlys nodded.

" You may go, good man. Here, for your troubles." Corlys said as he handed four Gold Dragons to the man, whose eyes went as wide as an old whore's ass.

" Thank you, my Lord." The man said as he hurried away from Corlys and Rhaenys.

" Arion Goldsea shall arrive sometime this week, my love," Corlys grumbled, and Rhaenys nodded

" Oh… love. Please don't be mad; it was a good offer for him. Stay in Winterhold for seven moons to teach some inexperienced sailors how to sail long distances in exchange for one ship with four of those steel contraptions? Very fair deal." Rhaenys said, but Corlys wasn't convinced and grumbled incoherently.

" let me change this mood of yours, my love. Come." Rhaenys said as she grabbed Corlys' hands and pulled him towards High Tide, with a distinctive seductive gleam in her eyes.

' May the gods bless Arion for this!" Corlys thought

Time Skip two days

Corlys sat on his solar with Rhaenys by his side; the tall woman hummed happily as she wrote a letter to her grandmother. As Corlys read the report on trade in Driftmark, he couldn't help but feel proud of the past year's work. The Northern trade routes were even more profitable than Corlys thought them to be, and as such High Tide profited immensely from that, as did the Northerners if his math didn't fail him.

The Essosi didn't demand as much glass as the westerosi, mainly due to Ibben selling the same kind of glass. The Ibbenease seemed to share a strong friendship with the Skagossi, to the point where Skagos shared the secret of Glass with them. The Ibbenease, however, didn't trade with any other Westerosi House other than House Dovahkiin and its vassals, which meant tempered glass in Westeros only came from Skagos, and it was majorly sold by House Velaryon due to the trade agreement between House Dovahkiin and Velaryon.

As Corlys switched reports, a guard knocked on his solar door

" You may come in," Rhaenys said

" Your Highnesses, My Lord, Arion Goldsea arrived at Spice town and has asked for an audience." The guard said, and Corlys nodded

" Send him in, good man." Corlys said

" Yes, My Lord," The Guard answered as he walked out.

Arion Goldsea entered Corlys' solar dressed in fine half Northern half Lysene styled clothes made with silk from Yi-Ti. The man had a big smile on his Valyrian face and seemed hopeful about something.

" My Lord, here's my trip's report, and Ser Aurane has already collected the Gold belonging to House Velaryon," Arion said, and Corlys nodded

" How was Skagos, Arion Goldsea? Is it as mystical as the northerners say it is?" Rhaenys asked, her voice carrying a certain condescending tone to it.

" Yes… Winterhold is the most beautiful city I've ever lain my eyes upon. Thousands of Weirwood trees, the buildings were beautiful, the houses were comely… giants and Children of the Forrest walked among men… mammoths pulled heavy wagons, as did the Unicorns. Skagos is a beautiful place." Arion said, and Corlys eyebrows threaded to vanish in his hair from the surprise. Giants and Children of The Forrest wasn't something he even considered real; Corlys thought they were jokes from the Skagossi sailors.

" Are you jesting?" Rhaenys asked, clearly taken by surprise

" No, Your highnesses. I only tell the truth. However, I came bringing an offer from Lord Dovahkiin, one so important that he chose a loyal man of House Velaryon to deliver," Arion said, and Corlys couldn't help but smile at his old friend, always so formal but a good friend nonetheless.

" Out with it then, Goldsea. We still have to drink some ale after we done here." Corlys joked, and Arion smiled

" Lord Dovahkiin wants to finance a trading Convoy to Yi-Ti and asks if House Velaryon will take part. Sixty trade ships protected by 100 warships, including the OldGods' Revenge. Lord Dovahkiin wants me to lead the Convoy but knows my Loyalties are to House Velaryon and House Velaryon only. Lord Dovahkiin says that with the compass and their powerful ships of his, the trip to Yi-Ti and Lang will be much smoother than it ever was," Arion said, and Corlys' eyes widened so much that it actually hurt him. Corlys took Fourteen ships east and came back with so many valuables that House Velaryon became the wealthiest House in Westeros; 60 ships would certainly bring so many valuables that House Dovahkiin could potentially become the wealthiest House in the world. House Velaryon would not stay behind; House Velaryon would finance half of all expenses and get half of the profits. Corlys's mind ran so fast and chaotically that he couldn't even count the amount of Gold he would receive back.

" Do tell me more, Arion," Corlys said


A/N: Hey yo… I'm having a writers block on my other fanfic so I decided to write this one for now

Thank you for your support my fellows!!!

May Akatosh bless your soul