Targaryen talks

Kingslanding, Crownlands, fifth moon of 98 AC

Baelon POV

Baelon Targaryen stood before his son in the training yard. Daemon looked excited or perhaps happy Baelon noticed as they stood on opposite ends, the legendary Valyrian steel swords of House Targaryen drawn, and although strapped in leather to blunt them, they were ready for battle. The Spring Prince was a towering figure, his silver hair and impassive face speaking to decades of experience on the battlefield. On the other hand, Daemon was young and fierce, with the confidence of youth and the arrogance that came with being a dragon rider. In the corner of his eyes, Baelon saw the two Kingsguard who had accompanied him in the morning, watching them with worried expressions. It was an unusual situation, Baelon would admit that much; he was never one to be overly stern with his sons; this little lesson must be looking extremely out of character for them, even if he explained why he was doing so.

As those thoughts passed through his mind in less than a second, Baelon and Daemon began to circle each other, it didn't take long for swords to start clashing as father and son blocked and feinted. The sound of metal ringing against metal filled the air. The dozens of knights present in the Red Kepp training yard stopped to watch this dance of dragons, each with their own reasons to do so, varying from the simple wonder of watching a good sword fight, to assessing if there was a conflict within the Royal family. Mostly were just fascinated at seeing Baelon the Brave fight the Rogue Prince.

As the fight progressed, Baelon was relentless, pressing an attack at every opportunity; the Valyrian steel sword in his hand made it incredibly effortless to do so. Meanwhile, Daemon struggled to keep up with his father's speed and precision, relying on his strength and aggression to keep himself in the fight.

Despite his quick reflexes, Daemon soon found himself on the defensive, blocking as many blows as he could but being driven steadily back by the older man. His movements became less confident, less graceful, as fatigue set in.

Finally, Baelon saw his chance. He lunged forward, sword flashing in the sunlight, but Daemon caught it in mid-air and held it there with surprising strength.

They stood there momentarily, their blades locked together as they caught their breath. Daemon's face was flushed with exertion, and he glared up at his father with a look of resentment and defiance.

At that moment, however, Baelon seemed less like a fierce warrior and more like a disappointed father, much to Daemon's surprise. The Spring prince weighed words in his head for a few seconds; the fullness of the training yard and how his words could impact House Targaryen as a whole made his mind.

"Why are you avoiding your wife, Daemon?" he asked, with a hint of exhaustion in his voice.

Baelon noticed when Daemon winced at the mention of Lady Rhea Royce. She was from Runestone in the Vale of Arryn, a beautiful and intelligent woman who deserved better than to be shunned by her husband. But to Daemon, she was little more than a nuisance, an unwelcome reminder of the political marriage he had been forced into.

"I'm not avoiding her, father. I don't like the Vale, the sheep there are prettier than the woman," he spat out bitterly. "And besides, she's from some backwater castle in the mountains. I have more important things to worry about…like protecting our House from the ever-growing leeches." Daemon concluded, and by the smug smile on his face, he thought those were good reasons for his actions.

"Don't be foolish, Daemon. Lady Royce is considered one of the prettiest ladies in the Seven Kingdoms." Baelon began, his voice so low it could be mistaken for a whisper, "You might be a dragon rider, but you're still a prince of the realm. And you have responsibilities. Responsibilities to your wife, who needs an heir to her House, your duty to House Targaryen is not here, at least not for now." Baelon said to which Daemon scoffed

"Why, Father? It won't matter if I do my duty or not; she's as barren as the Vale of Arryn itself. She-"Daemon began but wisely chose to stop at seeing the livid expression on his father's face.

"You stand in front of your father and lie to his face? Have no respect for me, son?" Baelon said calmly; his face, however, was as tempestuous as his heart at that moment

"I'm sorry," Damon whispered, "But I don't want to go to the Vale! What am I going to do there? There's literally nothing there other than sheep and people as dull as the animals themselves. Fake knights and their filthy… filthy everything!" The Rogue Prince finished his plea

"Marriages are the glue that holds kingdoms together," Baelon began patiently but was cut off

"Marriages didn't make us kings; dragons did," Daemon interrupted his father.

"Dragons indeed helped us conquer the seven kingdoms, but holding them was something different… Maegor was the most remarkable example; he used dragons to conquer his throne… but in the end, dragons weren't there to save his impotent, drunk, usurper cunt of life" The spring prince began again. "By the gods, Daemon, you went from a second son who would inherit nothing to a Lord of the most fertile land in Vale," Baelon concluded, his voice still low but clearly commanding to those able to hear it.

Baelon saw his son's face going through a myriad of emotions, from rage to sadness to lividness to pure and unadulterated confusion, and finally settling in defiance.

"I know," Daemon muttered as he scraped his sword out of the lock with a screech of metal. "But it's not that simple. You don't know what it's like to lose your freedom, your power… Just because I'm a prince doesn't mean I must give up everything I hold dear."

Baelon watched his son with a mixture of sadness and anger. "You dimwitted child! You have a fucking Dragon! What would you give up? Whores? Gallivanting with your so-called friends? You could still do all that if giving that up is such a terrible fate, for fucks sake! Just go to Runestone and do your duty!" Baelon began, and for the first time, his voice was louder than a hissing "Mother will save you from my wrath… as will my own love for you, son. I'm your father; I can't hate you or stay angry with you for a long time, But not even my love can save you from the angst you will feel should disappointment be the first thing I feel when I look at you in the future… that's a father's greatest fear, son." Balon said as he put his Icefyre down and affectionately touched his son's face.

The look on Daemon's face brought back memories of his sons' childhoods, making an involuntary smile appear on his face.

Daemon bowed his head, his eyes glued to the ground; he offered Baelon no words, the Rogue prince nodded in acceptance. Baelon's small smile grew, making his stern face friendly once more.

"I'm proud of you, son. I know you still see no reason in mine's or father's actions and decisions regarding your marriage yet, but you will soon enough." Baelon said

Daemon offered his father a slight but genuine smile.

Baelon, with a heavy but happy heart, sheathed Icefyre and signaled for Ser Crabb to grab the Valyrian Steel sword.

Kingslanding, Crownlands, fifth moon of 98 AC

Jaehaerys POV

King Jaehaerys calmly walked to the small council's chambers with his lady wife on his arm. The queen of the Seven Kingdoms had a happy smile on her face; her purple eyes contrasted deeply with her white and black dress, and her white hair made her gold ornaments and jewelry seamlessly complement the rest of her clothing. Their grandson and heir apparent to the throne, Viserys, followed behind them, his colorful clothing reflecting his vibrant personality perfectly. Behind them all, Ser Redwyne and Ser Marbrand followed; their silver armor and white cloak shone inside the Red Keep, reflecting sunlight from the windows and torches on the walls.

" Why am I here, grandfather? Did something happen with the preparations for the tournament?" Viserys asked, breaking the comfortable silence shared by Jaehaerys and Alyssane.

" You are here because one day you will sit on the Iron Throne; this small council meeting might be the difference between losing a powerful ally to the crown out of ignorance or strengthening our relations with two of the most powerful of our wardens and most faithful vassal" Jaehaerys answered without losing a beat.

" House Tyrell and Lannister?" Viserys asked uncertainly

" House Stark and Dovahkiin," Alyssane answered seamlessly, and as if feeling her grandson's confusion, she continued, " House Dovahkiin has Ice Dragons, and House Stark has House Dovahkiin's allegiance. Both houses are respected and deeply loved by their smallfolk, and neither has to worry with the Faith."

" Are we meeting to talk betrothals then?" Viserys asked, his voice full of poorly conceived worry

" No, not today; perhaps when your father is king. Aemma is a few moons due; Lord Dovahkin's youngest daughter is six or seven name-days old. It is not such a huge age gap; there's a possibility, but not today." Jaehaerys said, his voice calm but pensive.

" Yes... such a prospect would not be unwise; my grandson could be able to bond with both dragons of fire and ice." Viserys pondered out loud, which made Jaehaerys suddenly stop walking

" his shall be the Song of Ice and Fire..." Jaehaerys muttered as his eyes widened

" Your Grace?" Ser Redwyne said concernedly

" Neveworry Ser; I was only reflecting upon something I realized recently," Jaehaerys said each word slowly as if he was using his mind for something other than speaking; his eyes were still widened, but no one commented on it. Alyssane and Viserys shared a look but remained silent after that.

Jaehaerys, Alyssane, and Viserys were the last to enter the small council chambers; even the guest, Ser Blackwood, was already in the room, all talk ceased, and all rose for the King and Queen.

" You may sit, my Lords," Jaehaerys said as he sat down, Alyssane on his left and Baelon, who was already in the room, looking as if he had done strenuous activities previously.

" Were you in the training yard, son?" Jaeharys asked after a second

" Yes, father. I had an... intense conversation with Daemon this morrow. I reminded him of his duties in Runestone..." Baelon answered sheepishly

" Good." Jaehaerys affirmed as he offered his eldest living child a smile." My Lords, as you all can see, today, our small council is not so small; we have Ser Roderick Blackwood as a guest of the crown here today." Jaehaerys began, his voice firm and imposing as if daring someone to interrupt him, " Ser Blackwood is here today to enlight us about the matters of the Old Faith and the customs of the first man. Does anyone has anything to add?" Jaehaerys asked

" Your grace, I think this is highly inappropriate. Not only might this be seen as you rewarding the North for casting aside an order as old as the Order of Maesters and the Citadel, but the true faith might see this as heresy." Grandmaester Allar said; his voice was as old sounding as the man was old looking, yet the barely concealed venom in it was as energetic as a young maiden

" Tell me, Grandmaester, who am I the king of again?" Jaehaerys asked but didn't allow the old man to answer, " Baelon, who am I?" Jaehaerys asked his son, who smiled brightly

" You are King Jaeharys Targaryen, King of The Andals, Rhoynar, and The First Men, your grace," Baelon replied, still smiling.

" Lord Beesbury, what is the First Men's religion?" Jaehaerys asked, his voice stoic and firm.

" They follow the Old faith, your grace," Lord Beesbury answered.

" Viserys, why is it important for a King to know his subjects' customs and beliefs?" Jaehaerys asked

"So that he doesn't offend his subjects by mistake due to being ignorant of said customs and beliefs, your grace," Viserys answered surprisingly serious

" Tell me, Baelon, in your capacity as the master of law, was the removal of the maesters from the North unlawful?" Jaehaerys asked

" No, your grace. No Maester was killed, and no law obligates a Lord to keep or allow a maester in his castle." Baelon answered

" Now... I assume your... council was not wise, nor was your concern valid, am I right, Grandmaester?" Jaehaerys asked to which the grandmaester nodded in a rare show of self-preservation

" Ser Blackwood, tell us more about the customs of the first men and the dogmas of the Old Faith if you will." Jaehaerys demanded


A/N: Yeah! We'll be seeing Ragnar and the Lords of the North next chapter.

God Bless you my friends!

Thank you for your support!