The Dybrids

The baby

The Cats were experimented with humans ejecting their sperm into women to have a perfect breed of half-human and half Cats, called Dybrids when they die off the Dybrids will take over, after getting significant batches of Dybrids, they got one who brings all creatures of the night down, I am different, I am what they fear and SemiDybrid with all their strengths, their speed, instead of black or red, pure white, instead of blue eyes yellow, out of their fear they dump me in the woods and killed the women that birth me, fortunately, that day lucky for the three of them was tracking a werewolf in the woods, " hold up I knew this day has come, and Semidydrid said. Roy, I was in my kitten from crying, " so they don't want a semi, said. Deacon, "They want boys, not girls, and girls are usually semiDybrids very rare, what they fear, and their fear is our ace, get peter, Ledge, and Rachel at the Mansion, Mitchell pick me up and they got in the van in left, a few minutes later everyone is at the mansion as they pulled up, they got out of the cars in walked inside, with me, Mitchell lay me on the table, I start to cry again, I were very hungry and weak, " finally a semi, said. Ledge, Shamrocks going to need new rides, weapons and closed, said, Ledge, " she is very weak and we going to have to suppress the hungry, I got meds and supresser ejection or breath in Mitch, asked, Pete, " ejection for now, baby need tuna flavor, said, Mitchell, "I got you all meals and I watch her while you go out in hunt, six dinners, lunches, and breakfasts, said, Rachel, " yeah that great, and we know you h\all have families life, so this is separated from your normal lives, the vampires would be hunting her, the werewolves want her dead, the Hybrids also be watching and looking, and the Cats will be dying soon, but the Dybrid will run, and people will be hunting us, code R on a low, no questions ask, no meet her and no one at the hideou, your families at your houses far awhile, what we do and her at the mansion, so everyone is in raising our new Ace? Ryan, a.k.a Snowman Vermont? asked. Mitchell, "I have no wife and kids, she is my only priority forever, so when we get to teach and train her? asked, Ryan, " when she ages up Ryan, Deacon a.k.a Blazes Richerds? said, Mitchell, " agree we are family her new family my little niece, Mitchell a.k.a Slice Jones, said, Deacon, " Ledge you in, asked. Mitchell, "Uncle L got you, what are we naming her can I hold her? asked, Ledge, "Yes you can hold her, got be a name they would come to fear, Pete what about you? said, Mitchell. Ledge pick me up, " Uncle Ledge got you, so fluffy, " we not calling her Fluffy L? said. Ryan, "Bro I said she was so fluffy I wasn't calling her fluffy, said. Ledge, " I am my wife and daughters don't know I med you boys and hunt, all they know is I am a doctor at a hospital, how about Clover or Cyvbor? asked, Pete. " Clover Rea Jones, that fit her, nice thinking Pete, well keep them thinking that, Rachel you in? asked, Mitchell. " you know we hunt at night and do are daily lives in the morning, my husband and daughter do their own thing they know I own a small town kitchen, they don't even come so it's perfect to watch her while you hunting, Clover Rea it's her and they will fear her and us. said, Rachel, after they all agree to code R they went home for the night, " alright little one let's get some food in you and put you to bed, said, Mitchell, they walked into the kitchen, and Ryan got a bowl in put some milk in set it on the floor, I walked up to it sniff it and start to drink it, " that's a good girl clover drink up it going to make you big and strong, said, Ryan. I finished the milk and lick my face, I stay to purr, " you welcome bedtime come on, as they went upstairs I filled them up the steps, " will see you guys in the morning night little one, said. Ryan, " night C night bros, said, Deacon, they went into their rooms. " come on Clover in you go, I walked into his room, he picks me up and put me on his bed as he take his clothes and shoes off, it got into the bed, I curl up at the bottom of the bed and went to sleep, it was 5;00 am on a Saturday early morning, in the city, at Ledge gear shop he stear making our weapons, vehicles, and armors, his girlfriend is out of town visiting her parents, for Mitchell a.k.a Slice mimi machine guns that reload itself, for Ryan, a.k.a Snowman mulple round shotgun that shoot our silver , uv, and hollow tips, for Deacon, multiple crossbow, for himself fas mas mod R and STG, for Rachel six shooters, with projector clips, for Pete a rifle with projector cips, and for me a silver- uv blade iron blade and wing revors with multiple reload projector clips, an customer came into the door way, the bell rung, Ledge covered everything up, and walked out the closed doors. " morning Mr. Franks, " is my hunting rifle modified? He asked. Ledge, " yes where we hunting today? Asked. Ledge as he walked to the gun room, " The Apuglashion hills it's. Bear season, the man told him, he walked up with the rifle. He paid him for the work, " have a safe trip, he walked out drive away, back at the mansion in Mitchell room, in the woods there was a howl, I woke up and got up I jump off the bed, I am still in my. Dybrid kitten form, I probably won',t broke that until I am full size with some help, I walked over to the window and started to hissed, which wake up Mitchell, he looked at his watch, it was 5-34 am, " morning Clovis, what you hissing at, I looked at him, the howling stopped, he put his clothes on all pick me up and walked out,