the hunt

Vampire hot spot

the city was busy this time; even Pete, Rachel, and Ledge, the place was full; Mitchel was cleaning the bathrooms, Deacon stocking the shelves, and Ryan in putting the money in the register, I walked up andlep up on thecounter and curl up into a ball, " hi, C where you been hiding, he rubbed my head. i start to purr like a cat, Mitchell put the cleaning stuff away and open up, " where you came from? asked, Mitchell,why you ask me that, " looks likeyou got cashier buddy to keep you company, said, Mitchell. they went to get more stock, Ryan open the store, people pour in, loud, smelling, but among them a vampire, looking for an quick meal, i stand up and hissed, " i see them, we are in the hot spot C lay stay cool, "[ Ryan to Shamrock we got prey in the store, two.] said, Ryan i laid down again but i didn't take my eyes off them, " [were Clover Ryan?] asked, Ledge, "[ with us in the comic book on the counter,] one walked up ith acomic book, teenager seventeen, suddenly it drop thebook in back up, " what's wrong buddy you don't like cars? asked, Ryan, " cat right that is no cat, it's a Dybrid created by a cat, said. the vampire boy, " how you got one? said, the vampire girl, so young, i definitely don't like, " created males by cats it is a she isthat right girl, they freeze as i open my eyes and and look at them, " se-mi it's happen those darn cat created a Semidybrid! " we are doom, they ran out screaming, " for now you are safe, she a baby, is that right my girl, he kissed me on the head, i still deadly as baby to, a customer walked to paid for acomic book, " what a funny looking cat, " she a Himalyyana cogar, to her you fyunny looking your self, he rings it up Mitchell and Deacon walk behind the counter, " okay Clover lunch time give your uncle a break son he can work, said, Mitchell. " don't give me break i need her, " we all to Ryan, said, Deacon, i stand up and they follow behind me in the room they made up to me, " this what we call the semi room cat habbitate, wth a bed so go crazy for us, find these three were the best thing ever happen to me Mittchell pour formula pounch with the plasma in abowl and mix it up, " enjoy baby, stay here for now, once thhecrowds dies then you can come out, latter during lunch we take you over to Rachels, said. Mitchell, he put it on the floor i walked up and start to eat, they walked out and closed thedoor, in the city at the health clinic in the office. "[ what'sgoing on?] asked, Pete, "[teenage vampires got fear off by C, even vampires afraid of a semidybrid.] answered, Ryan, a women walked in a sick child, Pete walked out of the officeto examine the child, few feet away in the dinner, Rachel isin the kitchen cooking oneof the orders, "[ lucky you three found her,] order up. said, Rachel, her husband and kidswalked in for a bit, he pick up their daughters from school, unknowing a vampire walked in to scan for easy meal, waiter took down their orders, " could you ask my wife to come out, " she can't we down acook and she running the grill, said. the waiter, crossed the street at Ledge weapon shop, he looking at a pistol that is not working and keep jaming, " [ have anyone knowledge that they coming out of their hideout now in thesun,] i see what I can do, as the men walk out a vampire walked in, "[ i wish I had her with me,] just second, said. Ledge, the vampires are checking out the shops and owners, are they hungry, Ledge pick up his gun, and point at the vampire, "Sorry I not going to be your food, stay out of my shop vampire, if you want to survive this night go back in hiding, he pulls the trigger back, which scared her, " humor has it there's a cat around town, " not cat, Seidydrid is that what fears you more then a silver round? she ran out the door in fear, it is 6:00 pm at night the city is quiet, every store, restaurant, the Shamrock closed up to hunt tonight, I was up a tree, and they walked into the room, "I'm glad you like it, I still need my partner in crime at myself, C what you say you and me, said, Ryan, I climb down thetree and walked up to him, they put my harness on and walked, they locked up, " they are scared crapless guys a vampire run out when her fears were happening, i love you C you give these Freaks something to fear, I clean my face, " kay C enough with the cutie kitten we need you to be the Semi now, they got their guns and walked down the street, kitten no kitten make your mind up, as we walked up the hot spot my fur stand up all over, I growled as I spot one, " Ryan let her go, see it Clover attack, this howwe going to train her to hunt, He removes the harness and I ran after the vampire, " crap! Semidydrid! he turn away, Deacon smiled, and they ran behind me, the vampire turned and run down the corner, and so did we, he throw his ninja star at us, and they dodge it and hit the wall, I pounce on him bit him on the neck, we fall on the ground, he busted into ashes, yelp that gross, ashes in my mouth, I squeezed, they ran up, " bless you, good girl Clover your first vampire killing, said, Mitchell, " we put surveillance cameras to monitor the spot, Sundays, and Tuesdays she gets to watch Ledge, Mondays and Thursdays she with you Pete, Saturdays she with you Rachel, and Saturdays she with us, mark it down, they got to worked setting up cameras, Deacon put my harness back on me, I shake my head, " can't get rid of it, don't worry uncle D got the perfect cured for after taste that is nasty, said. Deacon, they got done head back up town,