the plan to move

something coming

Everyone is at the house, and we are looking ar the club on the cameras, I start to lick myself, and suddenly the door opens and something walks out of it, " freeze, did you see that? asked, Ledge, " yeah that is not an elder, " something worse, we need to know what is in that room, said. Mitchell, no we don't, we know it is. " really Clover we do? asked, Deacon, whatever that thing is it a lab, when do vampires start to experiment, " good question C, that got to be a lab room, what is is there, our worst nightmares, said? Ryan, "What do go after it? what do you think C? asked, Uncle Pete. something big, and Hybrid, they got a weapon now, " she right whatever that is we got a fight on our hands, we going to new a cure what can you do Pete? asked, pop bear " green cure I can have a bath made in thee lab, said. uncle Pete, your family going to need it, this thing not going to be a problem to me, but for you. " what do you mean by that little one? asked, Uncle Mitchell, it funny how they know what I thinking, " they people not going to listen and the cops going to be after us. said, Uncle Deacon, " no they not, Ledge new gear and weapons, said. pop bear, " I have new gear ready for the hunt, you think they sent it to us? asked. Uncle Ledge, I stand up and start hissing, it's here. they pulled out their weapons, " it's here now, did I just say that? " Clover make yourself careless you to little, said. Pete, like h#ll I am, small can pack a dim in something like this, " now Clover you just reover next blow could take your life, said. pop bear, sorry to not listen I am not moving, it burst the windows they opened fire at it, my laws came out and I bounced on it, biting and clawing at it, let's make one thing clear not act I am a Dybrid, half wolf half human, we are holding our own, pop bear pull out his glade and throw it, which it slice him a cross his chest, " C down now! ordered, Uncle Ledge, I jumped down and landed on my feet, he ball back out the window, and ran away, " Pete get her to examine her in case she hurts again! They ran out the broken window, "Hold it you let's do a check, uncle Pete picked me up and took me into the living room. " nothing broke, how are you feeling C? How am I feeling? will size from something that smashed through our home, better than it is, I start to purr, I am not a cat, just because I purr, they walked back in, and into the living room, " she okay, what were you thinking crazy? asked, uncle Mithell, there was a pump up steroids in our home disturbing my sleep, it needs to be taken down uncle Mitchell, " she is good nothing broken, said. uncle Pete, " we keep our ears eyes on the news, if need be you can move in here with your families, there are extra rooms, just let us know, tomorrow we fix the window. said, pop bear, " if we going to do that we going to need a bigger house with two floors, said. Aunt Rachel, wait what are we talking about? " offer but we do need to move somere that house are closed, in you need to evacuate into the main house, we do our normal lives family and work at night we hunt, sounds good? asked, pop bear. we all agree that is time to move and hunt at night, that is why their families wouldn't expect a thing, " It's agreed, time to relocate pack up your families, and see you at the new spot, if they eject I understand if you can, we patch up the window and do a patrol at night before we hunt, said. pop bear, I roar out, " we will try Clover, see you in a few minutes, said. Uncle Pete, " see you all, how about we get some milk C. Uncle Deacon picked me up and took me into the kitchen, while everyone else left, pop bear and uncle Mitchell in walked into the kitchen and start to cook, what a day, can it get any better than this? he poured some formula into the bowl and sat it on the floor, I walked up and started feeding, at Rachel's house Don walked out of the door, and as she got out of the car, " Okay who are they and what is going on? asked, Don, " I knew them before you, we need to move let's go in, they walked into the house, I just finished drinking my milk, and as they started to eat, I was about to walk out of the kitchen " little one back in the kitchen please, said, Uncle Mitchell, I need to stretch my legs, why humans take to long to eat? I meow, " are you getting smart stay were we can see you that is the kitchen, said, pop bear, what I say? so I lay on the floor licking myself, again I am not akitten or a cat as my father and uncles eat and talked, at uncle, Pete pulled up at his house, his wife walkedout the door, he got out the car, " what's going on Pete, you doctor and not a vetrian, when you start attending to animals, she asked, " when you get ajob do what you love without questions that fine never question my profession, friends, and patientions stop hanging around my clinic you not a nurse you do not have a liecesens, and I do not need you there, or want you there, andwe are moving, Uncle Pete told her that broke her heart at Aunt Rachels house, " moving were, what about her school, said. Don, " to dangerous to stay in the city have you acknowledge everything changing at night? asked, Rachel