Chapter 9: An Unexpected Choice

The city where Alea lived had ushered in an unnatural calm. She felt that this would be repeated in every city of the Empire. Letters of conscription have been sent to each county magistrate and quotas need to be filled. The conscription has asked for alphas or exceptionally strong betas, the enemy army they're facing must be quite formidable to have brought about such rigorous stipulations. The quota has asked for at least one alpha from each family, regardless of status. This has left many families in quite a predicament, including theirs. However she was not affected, because she knew the outcome already. An alpha son who has been trained as an heir since birth, an alpha son of your favoured concubine that holds a chance (no matter how unrealistic) to pass the imperial examination, or a newly redifferentiated alpha daughter that you ignored your whole life? It's not a difficult choice. What has been irking Alea, is the disgusting gaze that her waste of a second brother has been using when looking at Raya.

She knew he was going to be a thorn, and it's been increasingly difficult to hide her murderous intentions towards him. Seemingly understanding her thoughts, he has been avoiding coming to Raya when she's around, but she knew that she couldn't be with her all day everyday. This worried her, Azel is a bully. He'll show fear and obedience to those stronger, but he'll happily do as he pleases to those weaker. This has directly increased his status to a threat that should be dealt with in Alea's eyes.

She had decided she'd kill him the next time he left the house regardless of the consequences it would bring, but she didn't wait for the opportunity to strike before the conscription came down. This gave her more of a headache. She is now planning to just kill him tonight before she has to leave for the team headed to the border tomorrow, regardless of where he is.

Raya seemed to understand that she was worried about her situation and tried to speak calmly so that she could alleviate Alea's worries.

"It's okay Alea. I'll make sure to take care of myself when you're away".

Like Alea she had come to understand the status quo of the house. When hearing news of the conscription she knew Alea would be the one sent off. She was not very happy after learning this. In the past few weeks that they had been married Alea had treated her impeccably. She had grown to enjoy their before bed chats, speaking about the interesting things they had seen that day. Talking about philosophy and the truths of life. Those chats had allowed her to see a clearer picture of her alpha wife.

Unlike other alphas she didn't seem to have any prejudice. Not just against omega, but against anyone. It was as if everyone was on the same level with her. When speaking about philosophy she showed no awe of the emperor, nor the gods. She spoke as if mentioning them was just as casual as talking about what she had eaten for breakfast that morning. This terrified her, she quickly covered Alea's mouth at the time, afraid that someone would overhear what she had just said. She could feel the exhalation of Alea's warm breath on her palm and knew that Alea was laughing at her.

She quickly retracted her hand and while blushing she reprimanded her for fear that she wouldn't take the matter seriously. Even after her warning Alea still smiled and said she understood. That those words would only be said in front of her and not another soul. Raya felt relieved after hearing her words.

So although Raya herself was worried about how to avoid Alea's lecherous second brother, she didn't want to ruin the last night she and Alea would spend together for who knows how long. She didn't dare to think about other possibilities, but a tiny voice could be heard in the darkest crevasse of her heart "maybe it's forever". She hated that she had even had such a thought, but she knew war was cruel and barbarous and Alea along with the rest of the conscripts had never had to face such a terrifying reality.

Raya's thoughts were all over the place and she didn't notice that Alea hadn't responded to her. Contrary to Raya, Alea's mind was very clear. She was picturing the way to Azel's courtyard. Where she'd grab the weapon and how quickly she could get in and out. Azel may be an alpha but his body is weak and soft thanks to his lack of exercise and excessive indulgence over the years. She doesn't think he can fight back, but he'll definitely scream the first chance he gets, so it'll have to be done in...

It was at that moment she heard Raya's question.

"Why don't I go with you".

Alea's mind that had almost completed her plan watched as all the thoughts drifted away. She felt that she had misheard something incredible so she asked hoping she was correct.

"What did you say?"

Raya didn't seem to want her hopes to be reality, she replied again in a firm tone.

"Why don't I just go with you?"

Unlike the calm and firm Raya on the surface, she herself was no less surprised by her outburst than Alea. She had been thinking about what would happen after Alea left, and after the problems of Azel were put aside, her strongest feeling was that she'd be lonely. She had never had contact with someone like Alea before. She was like a breath of fresh air in her stagnant little life. The days that they were together have been the most refreshing and freedom filled days she's ever experienced. Before her marriage she had so many rules and etiquettes to follow. So many restrictions placed onto her by everyone around her, by society itself.

She felt exhausted, until the day she married Alea, that was the beginning to her discovery of what enjoyment was. Alea didn't impose restrictions on her, in fact she encouraged her to open up to her. She satisfied her curiosity about points of knowledge she hadn't been privy to before. She brought various books to her that only alphas were allowed to read. Books about politics and governance, books about business and strategy books. When Raya was having trouble understanding she'd patiently explain it to her in terms she could understand.

In just under a month she knew she was finished. Alea was too special. She was always calm and collected, yet she had a cheeky side too. Yes, after a few days she had understood that Alea had been teasing her that morning, however she didn't feel resentful, in fact she enjoyed seeing Alea's sly little smirk.

If someone took the time to treat her well. Raya was certain she could give that person her heart willingly. Unfortunately she proved the truth of her conjecture.

"I really am a fool" Raya whispered exasperatedly.