Chapter 14: Adapting To Life

Alea has been in the barracks for a month now. Her group missed their day off last month because it was scheduled for the day after they arrived. The new commander in charge of them thought that they should be integrated into the life of a soldier sooner rather then later, so he didn't allow them to leave the barracks and instead started a hellish training for these fresh faced conscripts.

Alea knew that there wasn't any point arguing about this. Self autonomy clearly wasn't highly regarded in the army. She could see it, others could see it. But there were a few that hadn't seemed to understand the situation. Children of wealthier families made up the most of them. After being lauded upon all their lives, they were naturally dissatisfied when someone kept ordering them to do this and that. Their dissatisfactions were seen as disobedience, and everyone quickly realised the punishment for disobedience.

The soldiers were called to the training field and watched with indifferent eyes as those spoiled alphas were mercilessly whipped according to the standard punishment of the military law. Only some of the new conscripts were wide eyed when they saw this. After the punishment was over the deputy general Rodan stepped forward and spoke in a booming voice that clearly contained anger.

"The moment you all stepped into the barracks I told you, that you were now soldiers of the Northern army. That means your responsibility is to train when you're told to train, fight when you're told to fight, and obey when you are given an order. That also means you are subject to the laws of the army and the punishments that come with it. I hope that with this lesson, those of you who haven't yet understood the situation, are now better enlightened".

Alea didn't care what happened to those alphas. She thought they were moronic to think that they would get special treatment because of their families. The children that really get special treatment, like the nobles, and high officials, wouldn't have been sent here at all. They'd still be gallivanting around their respective cities, free as a bird.

An upside to this little demonstration is that she has finally seen the Northern border General. She's an average build female alpha, no discernible advantages in terms of appearance. Alea was a little skeptical about her, until she saw the generals eyes. Those eyes were too familiar. She'd seen them on her commanding officer in her previous life. The eyes of someone who decides the lives and deaths of countless people, deep and unfathomable. She felt a chill when interacting with these kinds of people. As if they were chess players, and she was just a piece to be used by them. She turned her eyes away. Gaining the attention of someone like that, is not something she desires. She just wanted to get back to training, hoping to get to the next day off without any more trouble.

Though she has to admit, a month without seeing Raya, she is also dissatisfied. She won't show it however. Maybe if she does something wrong in the future, they'll take that day off away, as her punishment. She'd rather get whipped like them. Although this month has not been without its benefits. Aside from the tense state of soldiers, making her a little wound up herself. She has begun to learn how to wield cold weapons. In her last life she only knew how to wield a knife. It would have been a bit unnecessary to learn how to use a a sword and a spear for modern combat.

However she was delighted to see, that the basics of swordsmanship were only slightly different from her knife tactics. Though she has to say the weapons of this age, are really lacking. The swords they were given have been hastily crafted, and lacked the necessary maintenance, but it's still a weapon, so she won't complain.

The spear however, is completely foreign to her. It uses an entirely different set of methods that compose mostly of two handed thrusts and sweeps. This month has mostly been used to better learn how to use the spear.

Formations have also become an important part of her daily training. Trying to become one cohesive body with the thousands of soldiers around you isn't an easy feat and no matter how much you train, until you're in battle experiencing it, then this formation is like "Schroedinger's cat". Perhaps it will work, or perhaps it'll crumble under the threat of an imposing army. Until we put it to the test, there can be no answer.

Whilst Alea was busy thinking too much in the army camp. Raya was at a bit of an impasse. In the month that she's been here, the management of the house has become smoother. She was a little worried at first, but perhaps because it's not a massive estate like Alea's family, then it's not as difficult. At first she didn't have much time to rest and think, but now that everything has become more streamlined, she's starting to feel that loneliness again. She had sent a servant to wait near the barracks so that she could report back when Alea came out. However it's been a month and she hasn't seen her yet.

Apart from being worried for Alea's safety, she has begun to rekindle the idea of doing something to occupy her time, so that she's not needlessly waiting. This is where she met the impasse. She doesn't know what to do. Although she was born in an official family, as an omega she wasn't trained to do anything. Everything she learned, has either been from sneaking books from her father's study, or just by observing the day to day going ons of the people around her. It wasn't until she married Alea, that she could have conversations about life and read the books that Alea brought her, that she understood just how little she had learned when she was younger.

In just the month that they stayed in Alea's yard. She had managed to resolve many doubts that had plagued her for years. Listening to Alea, she had learned more about the situation of the Empire, but this superficial knowledge isn't enough. She has thought about all her options and unfortunately come to the conclusion that her only possibility may to be starting a business. Her mother gave her a few shops when she got married, so that she could always have a flow of silver, but there is still somebody from her family who manages those shops instead of her.

She doesn't wasn't to be a hands off shopkeeper. If she has decided to do this, then she wants to be the one making the decisions. However she wants to brainstorm the feasibility of the idea with Alea. She knows Alea will support her, and Alea will have ideas that amaze her. Alea seems to be an unending gift,full of surprises.

She hopes Alea can come sooner. Life is brighter when she can see her Alea.