Chapter 25: Banquet

"Why did you ask for two houses? Don't we have more than enough money to buy a house here, just to stay in for a while?" Raya asked worryingly.

Alea knew that she had misunderstood and thought that the emperor would find her greedy for asking for two separate rewards. She told Raya that the emperor had awarded her the title of marquis. Raya was shocked. A marquis is still a member of the court. Though they have no official position, but they can be called upon by his majesty if they are needed.

Alea knew her worries and calmed Raya down by saying.

"I know what you're thinking, but a marquis is basically an empty title. There are some benefits but it doesn't involve any official position. Even if the emperor wanted to call me up, the title was earned with military merits and with this victory against the barbarians,the only foreign enemy no longer exists. There would be no reason to call me."

Raya knew that Alea's reasoning was sound, so she could only accept it. Alea told her there would be a banquet tonight and asked her if she wanted to go? She didn't really want to, but she did want to be with Alea so she agreed.

When the time for the banquet had arrived Alea took Raya with her towards the palace. They didn't have any exquisite clothing of the capital, but Raya had been running a clothing business for two year and had many designs that she had created for her and Alea.

As a marquis their seats are ahead of the officials and below those of the nobles. Alea wanted to stay with Raya but unfortunately they had to separate after entering. Alea was taken towards the alpha side and Raya followed towards the omega side. Alea told her about how to deal with the staff in the palace, so she handed some silver over to the maid that led her and thanked her for leading the way. The maid smiled and thanked the beautiful omega. She was elated to meet such a humble person. Too many people hold an air of arrogance. Especially those people who were new to officialdom.

Raya saw some of the omegas she had conversed with in Kaesan and greeted them all. They had learned of Alea's reward, but they saw Raya didn't change her attitude towards them at all. She was still kind and respectful, so they couldn't help but feel good about her. They invited her to chat with them until the banquet began, and Raya happily accepted.

Alea on the other hand was not so happy. She was separated from her wife the moment she arrived and was stuck sitting in her position while staring at Raya having a lively chat with a few other omegas. She wanted them to come together so that they could have a lively chat and enjoy the banquet. So now the alphas around saw the new marquis with a scarred and gloomy face pouting at the beautiful omega across from her.

Thankfully the emperor arrived with the princes and princesses and the banquet could start. The dancers and musicians were able to cut off Alea's sight of her wife and she became even less happy. She simply gave up and nibbled on her meal. The emperors eyes roamed around the room and found his new marquis buried in her meal. He looked to the other side and saw an omega that was similar to her sitting in the family position chatting happily with the omegas around her. He noticed the resentful hazes she would send to the omega across from her time and time again.

"Is this really one of the soldiers that caused the barbarians to tremble in fear?" he thought uncertainly

However he wasn't going to say anything. It's been a long time since he's seen some sincerity in the palace, and even if he feels goosebumps looking at that alpha acting coquettishly, he still won't intervene.

After a while came the time to perform. The emperor didn't really expect anyone to jump around at this moment, but unfortunately there were some people that couldn't hold back the chance.

One of the sons of a civil minister heard that a soldier had been given the title of marquis and he wasn't happy. He had always been taught that civil officials were worthier than military officials, yet his family hadn't had a marquis in their lineage. However his father taught him that being a balance of both was necessary. So he touted himself as both civil and military. Believing that with the training he had been learning since childhood and his obviously superior status he challenged the new marquis in front of the crowd.

The father of the arrogant alpha wanted to drag him out immediately and beat the man himself. He doesn't know where his temperament came from but now he's gone and made a stupid mistake. He quickly bowed before the emperor and said.

"Please forgive the boy your majesty. He enjoys speaking nonsense..."

But before he could finish his apology the prince said if he's brave enough to challenge then he should go through with it.

The minister was furious. He had supported the third prince openly, so this was a way for the eldest prince to get back at him. The third prince also wanted to intervene but seeing the eyes of his father's that were looking at him, he knew that it was best not to anger his father. Seeing that the prince had spoken the ministers son stood up and grabbed a wooden sword standing in the middle of the hall.

Alea turned towards the emperor and saw his eyes looking as if he wanted to enjoy the show. She knew she couldn't avoid it so she stood up under the worried eyes of Raya and stepped up opposite him.

The man didn't realize the marquis was so large. The female alpha towered over him with well defined muscles and a long scar down the left side of her face. Although a little imposing, but he wouldn't back down to a commoner.