Time Spent Together

Millicent and I, along with the rest of the class, found that we were becoming more and more confused as a result of the many conflicting ideas that were going through our heads as the final exams of the first semester drew closer. This was due to the fact that the exams were getting closer.

Even though it is tomorrow, the competition for knowledge of random facts will still take place. It was the last day to register, and while Millicent and I had already paid for our participation in the technology quiz, Ferdinand's payment was still in the process of being processed. The last day to register is tomorrow.

"Would you be willing to accompany me to the location where I need to make my registration?"

"you bet, I'll do it."

During the break, as we were walking out, he asked me to go with him because he had observed that I was feeling warmth and happiness from within. He said that he had noticed that I was feeling this way because I was walking out with him. This was the first time in my life that I had ever had feelings like these.

As we made our way to the registration office, we passed the time by making jokes with one another and having talks with one another. During the time that he was talking to his dad on the phone, he started questioning me about the quiz registration, and I responded to his inquiries in an appropriate manner. While he was on the phone with his father, he began asking me questions about the quiz registration process. He had called his father to inform him about the registration, and while he was on the phone with his father, he began asking me questions about the quiz registration process.

Because we performed all of these things together, it is possible that you might say that we went hand in hand from the stairs, through the corridors, and across the walkways as if we were a couple.

Something that I had thought was something that could only happen in my dreams, but it turned out that it was truly possible, was something that I had believed was something that could only happen in my dreams. I took a chance and left her in the classroom all by herself for the very first time, and while she was there, she passed the time by having video chats with her brother. While I was away, she spent her time on her phone.

You wanted with all of your heart for time to stop so that we could have stayed together in this state for as long as it was humanly possible, assuming that the feelings he had for me were honest and real. You desired with all of your heart that time would stop.

When I was telling him about our meal at Native restaurant the day before, he became interested in the subject and asked me what I had for lunch when he became interested in the subject and asked me what I had for lunch when I was telling him about our meal there the day before.

The overly enthusiastic person made a statement along the lines of "Roasted plantain and fish with holes in it, it was extremely excellent, and you should try it if you go on the same day," which implies that you go on the same day as they do.

Oh, and you were the only one there, he joked, referring to the situation in which they found themselves. The phrase was a reference to the fact that they were in isolation.

While I was speaking to him, I did my best to maintain eye contact with him as I said the following:

"The next time, come along with us, and we shall have it together."

After having a good laugh at me, he went on to remark,

"You are an idiot in every manner; you didn't mean what you had said; just get out of here."

When I moved my attention in that direction as we drew closer to the registration office, he answered by saying, "Yeah, you are an idiot; you didn't mean what you had said simply leave."

As we got closer to the office, I switched my attention in that manner. After what seemed like an eternity, we arrived at our place of employment.

Even though it was time for my math lesson, I didn't want to leave because I didn't want to leave him here by himself. Even though it was time for my math lesson, I didn't want to leave. despite the fact that the time for my arithmetic class had long since passed, I continued. He did not eventually say anything until he saw that I was confused, at which point he commented,

"You can go; I will come back as soon as my registrations are complete." (He did not say anything until he understood that I was baffled.) You are free to leave now and move on to the next class whenever you're ready.

I really didn't want to go, but he got there so quickly that I didn't have a choice in the matter. Given his ability, it really shouldn't have came as a surprise to me that he is capable of both running and cycling at a fairly rapid pace. The aesthetic appeal of his body is absolutely undeniable.

I should have been paying attention in math class, but instead I was too preoccupied with figuring out what he meant when he called me stupid to do so. I should have paid attention in math class. It was expected of us to be present there.

The first class we took was in botany, and we kept ourselves busy in the laboratory for the entire class.

While Ferdinand and his companions were in the laboratory, the spider webs made a purchase of Ferdinand's hair. In spite of the fact that I was assisting him in cleaning the particles from his hair, without even giving it a second thought, I reached out and caressed his hair. You should also be aware that it has been more than two weeks since the last time I shampooed my hair and rinsed it.

I quickly removed my hands from my pockets and made my way to the sink so that I could wash them. I was very surprised to find that my hands were dirty.

I exclaimed in his general direction, "You useless piece of garbage, don't you have any of the most fundamental intelligence?

Why didn't you mention that to me earlier when we were having a conversation?"

I became irritated by him due to the fact that all he did was loudly laugh, but that was the only thing he did. I made the decision to travel to Millicent despite the fact that I was in such a state of despair.

After he had moved some distance between us, he approached me once more and asked me in a direct manner,

"Are you upset?"

No, I've gone utterly mad.

That makes perfect sense, and once he finished speaking with you, he went and talked to Kelvin. Nobody else in the room could hear what they were saying because they were both huddled close to one another and speaking in hushed tones into the other person's ear. After I questioned Kelvin about it, he responded by telling me that it was a problem between boys and that I had no reason to be concerned about it because it was a problem between males.

Because it was such a source of frustration for me, I never bothered to ask about it or find out more information about it.