Chapter 2

The years were long. Arzhen slowly took over the valley, killing off the beasts that had reigned supreme inside it. The wolf tribe had noticed the disturbance in the valley, but at first they didn't take it to heart. They knew that the beasts there had no human intelligence, and weren't that much of a threat. However when more and more of the stronger predators began to flee the valley, they felt there was something amiss.

The chieftain sent a few of the warriors to scout the valley, and report back what they had seen. When the warriors came back the rest of the tribe happened to be gathered around. The chieftain was in the process of choosing a husband for his daughter Sedraa. She was a beautiful girl that had just reached the age of fifteen. Her skin was jade like and her body soft and fragile from not leaving the cave very often. Her wolf form was even more special. Her coat as white as moonlight showed her arrogant capital. The young men of the tribe were enamoured by Sedraa. They wanted to prove their strength in front of her and the chieftain so as to be able to marry her back.

Sedraa had been taken care of her whole life. She wanted to be betrothed to the strongest wolf, since she knew they could provide her with the most benefits. Her arrogant and spoiled nature acquiesced to by her doting father.

When the warrior's had returned the chieftain didn't bother leaving to hear the news, and asked them what they had seen.

Argon, the leader of the scouts saw that the chieftain didn't plan to hide it, so he reported frankly.

"When we searched the valley, we found the traces of a wolf".

The group of people that had been merry before suddenly went silent.

"A wolf?" the chieftain asked again.

"Yes. It appears to be a very large wolf from the traces, but we dare not get too close" Argon replied hesitantly.

"Why not? Were you frightened by a lone wolf?" one of the young men vying for Sedraa could help but say arrogantly.

Argon only gave the teenager a side eye before replying "the wolf seems to have entrenched itself deep in the valley. The bones of its prey have been piled up at the entrance. Some of the bones belong to tigers, lions and bears".

When the boy heard this he quickly forgot his previous arrogance. Knowing that this wolf could hunt their most feared predators made not only the boy wary, but also the rest of the tribe.

The chieftain didn't know where this wolf had come from, but he thought that with the increasingly hostile tribes around him, he could send someone to negotiate with the other party to see if they would be willing to join the tribe. Deciding on his idea, he spoke to Argon.

"Seeing as it's one of our kin, I'd like to believe that it might be willing to hear us out. Go back to the valley to see if they're willing to jo..."

It was at that moment the witch doctor arrived interrupting the chieftains words.

"It's the monster that lives in the valley".

The tribe was stunned. They had heard that fifteen years ago, a wolf born with both sexes had been born. The eyes of the tribe filtered over the mature woman sitting with her husband. She stared dazedly at the ground in front of her. Remembering the child that was taken from her that stormy night so many years ago. She has had three more children since that one, but she has never been able to let go of the guilt when she watched  the witch doctor take that child away.

Sedraa had also heard of that wolf. Born the same year as her, it was cast away on the day of its birth. She didn't take the wolf seriously. A freak can't be too much of a threat. Perhaps the scouts were wrong.

The chieftain still decided to send a group to at least converse with the wolf.

"Even if it is the monster born all those years ago. We still have to see her attitude towards us. It's better to have one more ally than one more enemy".

The witch doctor was not as optimistic. She saw the child's eyes that night. She knew the child understood what was happening to her, but she didn't make a sound the entire time. She only stared at her indifferently. This is what makes the witch doctor worried. The child that could persevere to this point alone, is definitely not a simple character. In fact she's probably an extremely cruel and decisive wolf. Will she treat the tribe that abandoned her so well? The witch doctor doesn't think so. But the chieftain has spoken, so she can only accept it.

The next day a group of wolves left the cave and headed towards the valley. Sedraa tagged along after coaxing the chieftain, who initially refused because of the uncertainty of this dangerous wolf, but under the dual coquettish acts of his wife and daughter, finally relented.

Sedraa didn't think it was a big deal. She was going with many of the strong warriors of the tribe. What could a single wolf do against all of them?

The group entered the valley and understood immediately what Argon meant when he said they didn't dare to get too close. Looking at the heaping piles of bones that stood silently in the distance, the warriors felt a sense of trepidation. Sedraa herself who had thought it wouldn't be a big deal, also started trembling at the sight.

The arrogant teenager from yesterday felt that he had been embarrassed because of this wolf and wanted to prove his strength. When he heard that Sedraa was accompanying them, he wanted to do so even more. He puffed out his chest and said.

"Don't worry Sedraa. I'll protect you from the monster".

The other wolves around wanted to roll their eyes. They felt nervous at this situation, yet this little brat wanted to act bravely?

"Ignorance is bliss" they thought in unison.