Chapter 29

Arzhen facing the bear King was not as immovable as he thought. She, after taking just one hit, felt her bones creak, sending a ruthless pain that rattled through her body from head to tail. She, who had felt there were no opponents that could match her, had a twinge of fear,which led to a Momentary distraction.

The bear King wouldn't let go of an opportunity to injure the wolf beast in front of him, with a merciless swipe, he ran his claw through the wolf's shoulder.

Arzhen knew it was too late to dodge, but she would never allow one of her limbs to be harmed, instead of pulling backwards, she pushed forward sending out an attack of her own.

The bear King misjudged her movement and let his claws dig into the back of the large wolf, while he watched its claw coming towards his face.

This is where his cautious temperament got the better of him. Unlike the reckless wolf, he tried his best to lean back out of the way of the attack, leaving his right arm swaying in front of him, as he did.

Arzhen saw the arm and pushed as hard as she could. She felt her claws sink into the stone like flesh, but she couldn't care about the durability of the bear King at the moment. Without hesitation, she dragged her claws down his arm, exposing the muscle and bones to the frigid, cold air.

The bear King watched in horror and rage, as the damned wolf made one of his arms useless. He felt the searing pain, and the inability to put any strength into it. However, he only felt more anger after understanding this.

He didn't care about his safety any more. Throwing caution to the wind, he attacked the giant wolf with a terrifying brutality that made the bears and wolves surrounding them shudder.

The sounds of the two giant monsters attacking each other echoed throughout the forest. Blood and flesh flew from the both of them. The two seemed to feel nothing as their blows landed on one another with impunity.

The bears and wolves watched in terror as the strongest of each of their races fought, knocking down trees and smashing through boulders. They didn't want to say it, but they knew the victory and defeat of these two monsters would be the deciding factor as to who would win this war.

Arzhen tried her best to keep the bear King's blows to the non life threatening areas, but as time went on she knew if she kept going like this, she would run out of energy first. So just as the bear King had done, she wholeheartedly threw herself into the fight.

The two continued on from night to day. They were both covered in blood, and the exposed flesh was terrifying to see. However after half a day of fighting, with Arzhen focusing on attacking the undefended side of the bear King, clawed her way through his ribs and used her teeth to rip out the defeated monsters heart.

A blood-curdling howl tore through the forest, reaching further and wider than the territories of the wolves and bears. A sign of the victor, the battle was over. The bear King had fallen.

The bears felt great sadness after hearing the howl, they looked around and saw the devastation of the attack that had lasted over half a day. The corpses of wolves and bears littered the ground, the ground ran red with blood. The snow had tried its best to hide the horror of this day, but it seemed useless.

The wolves were no better, they used every advantage they could think of, but still failed to reduce the casualties enough. A thousand wolves attacked during the night. Full of strength, and without fear, but with the dim light of the sun showing through the clouds, the scattered groups would not add up to even half of what they had brought out.

The two sides seemed to be in despair for the truth of their situations, but heavy footsteps sounded from where the two monsters had disappeared. A large wolf slowly appeared in the eyes of the survivors. The once majestic wolf was severely injured. Any of them could see it. Not an inch of the wolf was clean of blood. Various teeth and claw marks had exposed many of the wolf's bones. The worst was the terrifying injury to the wolf's face. One side of it seemed to have been torn through. One eye was completely missing, but the other looked at them as if it was looking at the dead.

The wolf showed extreme vigilance, it slowly passed through the horde of wolves and bears. It didn't seem to care about the outcome of the fight between the two. It just kept walking,across the frozen river and disappearing into the tree line. Only the bloodsoaked trail, a reminder that the wolf was real.

Arzhen knew her injuries were bad this time. She had never felt so weak. The once warm body, seemed to have been infected with the cold. She couldn't seem to retain any heat, no matter how hard she wished to. Half of her vision was gone, and she was sure that her legs were broken, but out of habit, they continued to carry her towards her safe place.

She wanted to cry. At the moment she felt she was going to die. In the middle of the forest, all alone. Although she didn't want to show the three little wolves her terrible appearance, she hoped that if she were to die, her last moments would be surrounded by them. With whatever motivation she had left, she managed to drag her crippled body back into the valley.

She felt safe, she had made it home. Just a little further and she could be comforted by her little wolves, she thought smugly. However her body seemed to have reached its limit, she could see the den in the distance, but she had no energy to move, she couldn't even let out a whimper. Her remaining eye showed unwillingness, but she was so tired, she'd just sleep for a while... Just a little while.