In The Woods

Waking to the rustle and hustle of things and finishing up meal shoving and choking, I just got ready as fast as I could with an enlarged belly. Stairs where I could fly through like in the air are long like a high mountain and steep slope to climb down.

Seeing me struggle to climb down, Frank approached.

" Calm down my queen. Let your knight help you."

Large hands and closed embrace, I looked tiny. I felt heavy looking in the mirror. But just look at Frank lifting me like a child.

"There you go." Slowly sliding me to the foot. He huffs.

"Am I that heavy?" I felt he struggled to lift me.

But just look at his giggle almost coming out as laughter.


Oh there it comes. He never just leaves any chance to tease.

"Is everyone ready?"

Martha appears amongst a hustle of things and dust out her hands.

Looking at us she just smiles.

"Ned just filled up the tank. It will be fine to even return."

Martha said.

"All packed up. I can't wait to get there." I said excitedly.

"Where is Betty? She should not get left behind, this time."

Frank searched around for Betty.

"Yeah, and I think Douard too should not get left behind."

Ned appears.

"But where are they?" Ned said.

"Where will they be? In each other's embrace and talking nothing but looking at each other's face. I didn't even think they would fall for eachother like this." Martha said.

"Yeah, me too. It's nice to see one who is reckless and another who is calm and sensitive together. Mixed like sugar and milk." I said reminiscienting Betty's past behavior.

'Well nothing remains all the same forever.' I thought.

Jake and other members whose first visit this time was, packed up things and readied themselves.

Van's boot filled with belongings and seats with us, we ventured to this exciting drive to the temple.

Betty and Douard seated together.

"Ah! Still hung up on each other." Jake fussed, looking at them.

Jake was not sad and angry today. But it made me feel awkwards than usual and we reached woods road soon with all those thoughts and the path looked skipped.

We stopped by this beautiful waterfall and had lunch.

But what is this eerie feeling clinging to me suddenly?

Douard and Betty had just opened up and everything was fine.

Nothing should happen. 'Please god let nothing happen.' I prayed.


'God! What happened this time?' I looked around and no one was hurt or fighting but…

Douard and Betty were absent from the group.

"Jake!" Martha shouted.


Turning my head around, I couldn't find Jake either.

Soon Frank chased the scent he caught and Martha stayed behind to defend who couldn't fight.

And as if it was not enough, my belly started hurting.

I fell to the ground while I couldn't withstand the pain.

"What? Are you fine?" Martha closed to me and held my hands.

"M… my belly… it's hurt… hurting…" I said in pain.

"Is it delivery at this time? Sam, come help me bring her to the van."

She hurriedly carried me to the van.

"Stay guard.'' She ordered Sam and with another she-wolf, she started helping me with the delivery.

"Aaah.. ha Ha… Haaaaa!"

'I am going to die.' ran through my mind and with a large push almost taking my consciousness away, I held the hands of another she-wolf there.

"Uwaah… uwaah…"

Soon the whelping of small pups rang out of the van…


Ha… ha…

"You can't catch me." Jake shouted huffing.

Betty is unconscious on his back.

"Let her down. Stop! If you don't want to die."

Douard shouts furiously.

"This time it's your end."

Douard warns Jake.

"Ha! Only if you can even touch me. You, half-ling." Jake mocked him.

'Just wait.' he thought.

Running in the wolf form and sounds of footsteps rang out in the wood's silent environment.

Suddenly Jake stops. It startles Frank and Douard.

"Now is the time." Jake mumbled and turned to them.

'What is it?' Frank thinks while Douard barely holding his anger jumps at Jake.



Even before he could touch Jake, another wolf threw him off.


Frank shouts in disbelief.

Lark smirks and moves toward Jake.

"Adam! Come out!"

Lark calls for Adam.

"Adam!" Frank's eyes grew wide.

Best fighter beta werewolf of the pack is on the side of traitor Jake.

"Cough… cough…"

Clutching his heart, Douard stands up and with dizzy eyes he searches for Betty.

Seeing Betty lying on the ground, he gets infuriated and charges towards Jake but…


Lark again punches him and throws back.

Frank catches him before he could fall and looks at them frowning.

"Why? Why would you choose this?" Frank looks at Adam with disgusted eyes.

"It's justice." Lark intervenes, smirking.

But Frank's eyes fixed on Adam, ignoring Lark's provocation.

"It's unexpected to see Douard trying this much." Adam opens his mouth but dodges Frank's question.

He is pitying Douard for his futile attempts, which ultimately ends up in failure.

"Frank, Alpha of the pack, I do not have anything to clarify my choice. I hope you'll not take it to heart." Adam said, heavy heart.

"It's not late. Choose a pack, not an imaginary goal which will end up destroyed within the side you choose blindly." Frank tries to convince Adam. But…

Adam turns and walks to Jake. Placing the hands on his shoulders.

Take her to the Citadel castle, I will hold him up.

"Hehehe…" Jake laughs inwardly revealing a joyed face outside.

He approaches Betty but Douard catches his hands.


But Douard was not the same as before.

His eyes turned blood red and body filled with fur, colored silk brown, his gaze fixated on Jake's hands.

"What the fuck is this?" Jake shouts and jumps back.

Hearing the sound of Jake, Adam turns back only to find a wolf whom he didn't know, holding unconscious Betty in his arms.

"Douard…" Frank mumbled.

'Douard!' Adam's eyes grew wide.