Next Morning…
It is the worst and best day of my life. The changes brought are dim ahead of other changes until now.
Most of the werewolf have been granted new powers and blessings by 'Goddess of Red Moon' and have become more powerful than before.
But when I woke up today I had my powers all sealed up and not even an ounce of power from neither Synge nor the vampire inside came out from within.
While baffled I ran to Frank who had already woken up and went for training.
Searching everywhere without even washing face or freshening up, I found him near the temple in the centre building talking to Ned and Douard.
I dashed towards them but when I reached them, none of them were talking and The Priest, supposed to be the lady I met yesterday, was facing down. Everyone looked sullen and worried.
"Frank! I…"
"I know, Alene!"
Before I could finish, he spoke. But his voice today was not as confident as before.
Looking at Douard, I closed in towards Frank.
"What is it?"
I didn't know what happened to me and wanted to know what was happening.
"You too had your powers sealed up, Alene!" Douard replied instead of Frank.
"H-how did you know? Wait a minute! Did others too have their powers sealed up?"
"No! It's just Frank's power is gone. When he started training in the morning, he noticed it and came to me. I too didn't know and had to consult with The Priest."
"The Priest too had her power sealed mysteriously."
"What is happening?" I exclaimed.
The Priest raised her head and looked at me.
"It can't happen this way but I am unable to pinpoint the cause." She said,
Her face was upset and words helpless.
Suddenly a scream came from the woods direction and people were running scattered.
Douard ran towards it sniffing the air.
"It's vampires. How dare they intrude here?"
He grumbled and went off without a second delay.
While Frank and I had our wolves and vampires sealed up, we stayed behind worried.
But suddenly a thought crossed my mind.
'Nathan and Emma! Where are they?'
I looked around and fewer people were there.
I ran towards their rooms.
"Alene! Where are you going?" Frank tried to stop me.
"To Nathan and Emma." I shouted.
"Huh?! Why there?"
"To check up on them. They are reincarnated, so they might know something about our problem."
"Reincarnates! Who are you talking about?"
The Priest asked Frank.
"Let's go there and you will know yourself."
Frank and she followed me to Emma and Nathan's rooms.
When we reached there, no one showed up. Room was empty and things scattered.
Someone shouted from outside and it was a familiar voice.
"Jake! You're dead. You even tried to bring vampires here."
Frank knew whose voice it was and ran outside.
While The Priest couldn't run that much as her powers were sealed up. I stayed behind.
Near the entrance, Douard and Nathan were busy defending the vampire minions and Emma had created a power circle and shield of blood to defend the temple.
When Frank got there, he felt something was off.
His visions were blurred and his wolf was raging from inside.
'Huh?! Why did I not feel it inside the temple?'
His wolf growled and raised his fallen confidence up.
He was about to turn into wolf that's when, Douard shouted,
"Don't! It will create an illusion again. They have casted vampiric illusion on the temple surrounding and air. It causes us to feel nothing inside and messes with our brain to commit suicide."
He was busy fighting without turning into his wolf and huffing heavily.
"What?!" frank exclaimed.
"Father! Come here and help me!" Emma called him and raised her power.
"Where is mother? We need her here, Now!" She urged for Alene.
But everything was already under control as Jake had pulled his minions back.
Everyone joined together and created a wall ahead the entrance.
'Clap! Clap!'
Someone entered the scene clapping his hands.
"Adam! You did a great job. Count Drake will be very happy." Jake said, smirking.
Soon, Adam too appeared from within black dust swirling up in between the crowd.
'Huh?! It is the vampire shadow skill. Only those who are granted royal blood can master this power.'
Douard stood shocked about Adam's status.
"I will kill you this time, Jake. You've crossed your line twice. I won't stay calm anymore." Frank shouted.
In an instant, Adam appeared before Frank.
He raised his hands and all of the surrounding shook and which was supposed to be illusion casted dissipated.
'Illusion is gone.' Emma and Nathan sighed in relief.
While Douard was busy dawdling over Adam's shock, Frank turned into his wolf and jumped at Adam roaring.
Even though Frank had his powers raised, Adam easily took him down and Frank went off flying and got slammed on the ground hard.
"Father!" Nathan shouted.
Douard raised his gaze and found Frank on the ground beaten.
"If you think that we are weak as before then feel free to fight and die but we didn't come here for this."
Adam said in his sly and grinning voice.
Frank stood up clutching his chest and looked at Douard.
"What do you want?" Emma shouted.
"Hmm? Who are you?" Adam said and focused on her and Nathan confused about new faces.
But after sniffing their smell off air, he smiled and said,
"Oh my! Alene had given birth to some delicious ones. Frank! I would really have to thank you for such gifts. I will take them."
As Adam was not even finished saying his evil plan, he received a blow hard on his face from aside and went bouncing on the ground.
"Huh?! Alene! What are you doing here?"
"The same thing which you guys are doing. The Priest and I sensed our powers coming back and hurried here."
"Alene! Are you okay?" Douard shouted.
Emma and Nathan were happy seeing me.
"Emma! Nathan! How is the fight going? I am excited to fight and try out my powers."
My voice which was filled with confidence and motivated by Synge from within rang out even farther in the woods.
The person whom I punched stood up and with a smile he started walking towards me.
With a smirk, I too said, "Adam! How was that punch? Huh? Did you like it that much?"
"No! Look at me beaten and shaken. I don't want to fight."
"Then what are you guys here for?" Frank shouted angrily.
"I apologize for Jake's foolishness. Actually we are here to prepare to worship our goddess." Adam said yet with his sly and evil voice.
"Worship! Are you out of your mind?" The Priest shouted annoyed with all the nonsense he was spouting.
"Goddess of Black Curse! Our deity. We have no offence with you protectors."
Adam's words felt fussed to some while they were what most carried weight on.