The Lost Boy

Lights were off and curtains were down, no clearance at all of what was placed where as there was Darkness all around. Just a lil ray of light was entering from the lock hole of the door of the room. Along with that ray of light a voice came

someone: Hey sooraj, you there??

This statement switched the world of sooraj from dreams to reality.

Sooraj: (in half sleep) Ya who's this??

Someone: your moon di sweetheart!!

Moon aka Chandini sharma is the best friend of Varun Agnihotri, cousin of sooraj.

Sooraj came out of room, still trying to figure it out what is actually happening.

Varun: Howz u brother

Sooraj: fine bhai.

Moon: dude as i promised you i will be back soon, so here i am

Sooraj: yaa, nice surprise though!!

Parul (Sooraj's mom ): sooraj ur brother and moon di have brought some snacks for you, come have them.

Sooraj replied to it ny nodding his head and joined them. He was a lil quiet n low but no one noticed it exept Moon as she was a psycho analysts and could read people's face.

Moon: what happened child?? is everything all right?

Sooraj: nothing much di, its just that i am sleepy right now. It's already 10 pm i gotta go to bed, will talk to you guys tomorrow.

With this statement Sooraj went back to his room. The behaviour of Sooraj was really annoying which made his parents angry

Parul: what an ill mannered child he is becoming stubborn day by day

Viraj ( Sooraj's dad ): god knows what he will do in life, we are just sick of him.

Varun: don't worry uncle aunty, he is just a child he will gain maturity soon.

Viraj: but when? he is already 20.

Varun: don't worry just chill.

while everyone was mad of Sooraj, Moon was quiet. She knew, there was something going on with Sooraj and that something was not Just something.

Sooraj was living in a world full of pain, stress and darkness but no one was aware of it.

Next morning everyone woke up early as moon and Varun had only one day with them, they had to leave for london the very next morning. They all planed for the whole day as none of them wanted to waste a second and enjoy every moment to the fullest.

Now parul went into the kitchen and started preparing breakfast while others were having a nice morning chat in the drawing room, except sooraj who was still sleeping.

Parul: Reet go and wake ur brother up its already 9

Reet (Sooraj's younger sister): ok mom.

Varun: let him sleep aunt

Parul: not again Varun, you guys are here for just one day. He should be spending time with you rather than sleeping

(Reet went to Sooraj's room)

Reet: Brother wake up, everyone is waiting for u

Sooraj: comming

Sooraj came out of his room and immediately went to bathroom to take a shower. After a while he came out, put his clothes on and joined the family in the drawing room.

Sooraj: Good morning every one!!

everyone: good morning

Varun: get ready for the fun bro today we will enjoy like hell.

Sooraj- okh but whats the plan

Moon- let me tell you, so first of all we will have breakfast and will have a lots of chats then in the noon we will go to watch a movie and after that we will have dinner outside.So howz the plan?

Sooraj- It's nice

Varun- nope its great.

(Sooraj's mom enter the room with breakfast )

Parul - okh so let's have breakfast

Moon- it seems to be yummy

Parul - it is sweet heart.

Viraj- ( in a humorous way) thanks moon, today just becoz of you we too will have the pleasure of tasty breakfast else other days we have to survive on just bread n butter.

Parul- (with a sharp look ) that was really mean

(everyone laughs)

Moon- so reet howz ur school going on?

Reet- It's going great di recently i topped my mid year exams

Moon- nice sweetheart you are a scholar!!

Sooraj- ( in a joking way) by cheating di.

Reet- (in a annoying way) i am not like you.

Parul- (taunting) She is not a slacker like you. She is super intelligent and hard working child. I am so proud of her

Sooraj- i was just kidding.

Viraj- then you must know when to kid with whom.

Sooraj- ( being upset) you guys always have problem with me as if i am a sinister .

(with this statement Sooraj left the place and went to his room)

Parul - he will never change

While all this was happening, Moon was just watching Sooraj but she didn't say anything.

After that they spent the whole day as per the plan.While everyone was enjoying, Sooraj was still low. He was just lost in his own thoughts. Moon was watching sooraj the whole day. She knew there is something wrong with this child.

After spending the whole day out, enjoying and traveling, they all came back. It was already 8 pm and eveone was tired and went to their rooms. After a while moon went to Sooraj's room.

Moon: (knocking the door) hey Sooraj may i come in?

Sooraj- yess di come.

Moon - Sooraj is there something going on with you which is disturbing you?

Sooraj- no di i am fine don't worry.

Moon- you can fool anyone but not me kid.

Sooraj - (kept quiet)

Moon- ok if you are not comfortable, don't share but if you ever think you need me, i am always there for u.

sooraj-ok di and thanks for ur concern.

moon - Good bye child. I will leave early morning and you would be sleeping so i will be unable to say you goodbye then so i am saying it right now

Sooraj - good bye di

(Moon hugs sooraj and left)

When moon left sooraj went into deep thought. Teras were about to come out of his eyes but he was controlling himself trying not to cry. It seemed that something was badly hurting him. He was battling with his past, a past no one was aware of.