Honesty came with a side effect

"No!" he cut me off instantly, voice sharp and firm.

"Oh...sorry, I went out of line," I retracted my hand completely. There was an uncomfortable sting in my heart that left a bitter aftertaste in the back of my tongue.

He got up then, straightened his back, and gently held my face. "It's not that," his voice had returned to the gentle tone he always used. "The scar simply couldn't be erased with healing magic."

"...oh?" I only realized I had been clenching my fists when I loosened them up. "Was it made by an artifact?"

"…Yes," there was a suspicious delay before he answered as he caressed my cheek softly. But he didn't sound like he was lying either. Although, to be fair, it was in his right if he wanted to hide it too. "Sorry if I sounded harsh just now, sweetheart."