A peaceful morning is always a luxury

Another new thing I realized; ingesting Amrita made my body feel hot no matter what. Even if it was no longer painful, nor was it as intense as before, it still felt like something hot coursing through my vein. Although at this point, it felt more warm than hot.

As a result, my body would unconsciously seek something cold to offset the sensation.

Surely, you see where I was going with this?

Yup. Again, I found myself waking up in his arms, clutching into his cold skin while embarrassingly sighing in delight. I was pretty sure that I slept on the other side of the bed, but somehow I always rolled toward his side, nuzzling on his shoulder and chest. It wasn't until I heard his voice that I even realized what I had done.

"Is it like your habit or something?" my eyes, which had been closed in the bliss of the cool sensation, startled open. I looked up, and he was staring at me with a smirk, fingers playing with the tips of my hair. "Hugging people in your sleep?"