Forgetfulness is a part of mortal nature...right?

I dreamt of countless specks of light.

I was one of them, floating in swirling darkness that felt like it was suspended and in motion at the same time. It felt like I had a dream quite like this before, but I didn't really remember when.

While floating, I realized that each speck of light was different; some glow bright, some dim, some had jaded edges, and some felt hollow. Me...I was cracked, but not too much.

At least, I felt like I wasn't as damaged as before, although why I knew that, I had no idea.

I was floating and floating, rotating like a little star in a massive solar system. Gradually, I realized that there was indeed a core in this darkness, although I was pretty sure it wasn't a sun. But it felt like it had a gravity that kept us specks of light existing inside this darkness.

And the more I moved forward among the many specks of light, I felt the core watching me; keenly, sadly, eagerly.
