My demon groom; a shady adventurer with shadier business

"There's a possibility that His Lordship would like to tell you some of the stories himself, so I'll just tell you of how we siblings met him. Would that be alright?"

I nodded wordlessly, since there was still food in my mouth. Just like Natha, these demons would not indulge me unless I ate my meals—no doubt by His Lordship's command—so I listened to them while having my breakfast.

With a smile, Lesta tapped on the table and started to tell his story with a reminiscing face. "Let's see...I believe it was almost fifty years ago. His Lordship had already gained quite a reputation at that time, due to his feat in the war before,"

"Oh, is that the one where they faced corrupted creatures?"

"Oh, you know about it, Young Master?"

I pressed my lips then. Crap—I only knew about it because I read Natha's journal. Oh...but it wasn't a secret anymore, wasn't it? I already told Natha I read his journal.

"Just a bit," I nodded slightly and added, "But I don't know what reputation he had,"