A secret plan should have been done in a secret place for maximum chance of success

I blinked at her words and scratched my cheek. While it was true that I got 'fuller', I had been moving my body a lot during the occasional spar, so it wasn't just fat, but muscle that this body gained back. So I wasn't 'fat' per se, just noticeably rounder than before.

"Well, yes, I know I'm not fat...I just--"

"Yes, I understand, that's not what I meant," Zia cut my words instantly.

I tilted my head confusedly. "...then?"

"Forget it," she waved her hand to dismiss the topic. But as I kept looking at her inquisitively--since there was nothing I could do while the seamstresses were at work--she bit her lips and opened her mouth again. "Do you remember how you looked back in the day, Val? When you just arrived in the tower?"

"Uh-huh," I nodded in response, and the one who was in the middle of comparing some gemstones with my hair held my head in place immediately. "Uhh...Why?"