I too, want to pretend that I am mighty and omniscient

I had wondered once; why people always pushed doing their homework for the last day. Why didn't they do it before, little by little so they didn't have to face agonizing piles of homework? Was it so hard to do?

Hah! The joke was on me!

Because that was exactly what I was doing on the last day of our journey home; working through Eruha's homework. I had to beg Lesta and Natha to help me with it, filling me in on the things I forgot during the visit.

Making several essays analyzing the economic and cultural situation of the region wasn't something easy to do when we were in a hurry, turned out. I also totally forgot that I had to record the three topmost commodities in each town and city we visited. Mapping was easier because I liked to see the landscape from the deck every time we flew. 

But damn--I would never think bad about those students delaying their work anymore.