Don’t let yourself be probed when you’re in the middle of probing

So, with the bait taken, the elf finally agreed to work there, for me. Not that he had much choice in the first place.

I had wondered why this floor had a living space when it was supposed to be research chambers, but it seemed to be prepared by Natha for this exact situation.

"You can't go out anyway, so just stay here and work on something until winter," the Lord decreed, and the elf was only slightly grumbling this time while signing his new contract--or rather...a debt waiver.

The name signed in the contract was Eziliebrien...or something, and obviously, he didn't put down his tribe's name since he was exiled anyway. But he insisted to be called Izzi and nothing else, so despite tradition and whatnot, we would call him that. 

I kind of feel like he probably got exiled for more reason than creating a blasphemous weapon.