So...another family meeting, then?

Unlike any other day, I had a really busy morning on the day of the banquet.

First, Arta came to the suite and got me the last fitting for the outfit I supposedly wore for the banquet. It was dark, almost midnight blue with white lining and silver embroidery, made of something that looked like silk and organza with magic because when I moved, the darkest shade of the fabric shifted and something twinkling appeared from time to time like stars. There were at least three layers in this thing, and the outermost part was a light cloak with wide sleeves.

Anyway, it wasn't actually done yet, because they still need to do this last adjustment. But Arta assured me the clothes would be done by the time my meeting with the elves was over. 

Talking about the meeting, Arta didn't leave after the seamstresses went away with my banquet clothes, and instead stayed to prep me for the meeting with the elves.