Looking forward to things I couldn't do before

The fire was still alive and colorful, and it felt like the night only get brighter.

Natha led me to a big tent across the stage, where a cluster of seating areas had been arranged. It seemed to be done so to accommodate those who would like to talk to Natha. 

And just like that, the moment Natha appeared, he was surrounded by the merchants and visitors that had been wanting to talk to him since our shopping date. Meanwhile, I found myself being pulled by familiar arms.

"Oh!" Arta exclaimed when she saw me, raising my arms and twirling me around as if I was wearing a ball gown or something when all I did was put on the traveling merchant's colorful tunic and poncho.

Although, since it was loose, the fabric did move nicely around my length as I was being twirled around. 

"Young Master is lovely in any clothes," she said while squeezing my cheeks.