Can people really tell this stuff?

"Oh," I clasped my stomach with a gasp, as if it could cover the loud sound it just produce.

"Well, we skipped dinner last night," Natha chuckled and put a cup in my hands. "Drink this first before we go down."

I looked at the cup in my hands and tilted my head. It was different from my usual herbal drink. The cup was smaller, and the scent of herbs was stronger, like traditional medicine. "What is this?" I asked while sniffing the liquid.

"It's a concoction to prevent unwanted effects from Intercourse," 

...a concoction for what?

I looked at him blankly--had no idea if my brain was paralyzed by 'unwanted effects' or 'intercourse'. Whatever it was, my cheeks were heating up again. Was this why the maid who brought the tray earlier was blushing? It was practically announcing what we just did! 

"Uhh...what unwanted effect?" I blinked at him. "Like...pregnancy?"