It’s rather annoying when people constantly doubt your boyfriend

"One day, the Lord of Greed contacted the elves, asking for the Kingdom's scrolls," she told me as we crossed the green field. "Obviously, none of us was willing to part with them--if we have any."

Mm, understandable--I nodded in support. Of course, it would be silly for them to let go of the Kingdom's legacy to another race.

"We ignored him, of course, although I don't know what the elves did," Amarein shrugged. "But not long after, the Lord suddenly asked about a young druid's manifestation and even asked for a teacher,"

Ah...that should be the time after he found out I was transmorphing into water. 

"We were baffled, and the elves started to investigate, trying to find out if there was really a druid around the Lord,"