Respecting yourself is just as important as respecting others

The water was cold. And I mean ice cold, even though it was definitely not frosting. The cold was seeping through my clothes and spreading on my skin, so even my dry upper body shuddered from it.

And I was saying this as someone who was contracted to a Salamander. 

And no, I didn't feel the effect of our contract got severed. I still could feel the magic fighting this cold from within, so I wondered what it would be like if I didn't have that contract with Ignis.

I was so going to buy him fire elemental stones. 

And it wasn't just the temperature that attacked me. You know how we would run and try to move faster in general when it was cold? Yeah...I couldn't do that.

It was after I walked for two meters, I think? When the water came up to my thigh, and it was so cold I was clattering and wanted to run across so badly, but I felt like walking through a really thick mudfield.