Who said a Nightmare couldn't be cute?

I thought, after my blatant protest over the topic, and after Lesta told Arta to work, they would stop the conversation. Little did I know that the conversation only getting deeper, now with extra snacks and drinks and a paper in front of Arta.

"But what kind of outfit would you like for the wedding, Young Master? I need to design it now so we have time for details later," she said, starting to draw something before I even answered.


"It should be white,"

I snapped my head toward the low voice that could only be coming from none other than the Demon Lord. "Nat?"

What was this, my Lord? Why were you participating now? You said it was just to let them have fun earlier!

Glancing at my dumbfounded expression, Natha smiled and repeated. "I'd like to see him in white."

"Dat dat da raa~ dat dat da raa~" Izzi moved his arms in the air as if playing a wedding tune on a piano, and I hurled the last three of my popcorn toward him.